I went to see a mate of mine yesterday. Haven't seen him in ages. I get in, and what is he playing? Halo 3. In HD.
Now, I hadn't seen HD before this. I want. Like, NOW. AND, I played Halo 3! Surely i'm not the only one who thinks that pulling the gun off a turret and carrying it about in 3rd person camera is THE COOLEST THING IN THE WHOLE FEGGIN WORLD?!?!?
Ahem. Calm. Calm down. So. Soon, I will get off my lazy ass and get a job. I will then get a 360, connect it to the net and get Crackdown. Frank only showed me that Keys To The City thing where you spawn loads of explosive barrels, but still. Heh...
Exams nearly done! Maths sucked, Physics... hard. Very hard. Dunno if i've passed... just Graph Comm left, on monday. Wish me luck!!!