Technonerd's forum posts
1. A remake of the original Tribes, with updated graphics but the same killer gameplay.
2. A non-consolized version of Fallout 3
3. A non-consolized version of Deus Ex 3
3. A non-consolized version of TESIV : Oblivion
3. Baldur's Gate 3
4. Diablo 3
5. Planescape Torment 2
6. Crysis 2
7. The Witcher 2
8. King's Quest IX
9. Halflife 3
This list and some to add for me:
- Star Wars space similator (Tie-Fighter, X-wing Alliance,etc)
- KotoR 3
- Jedi Knight with Kyle
I'm also a deaf gamer, I get a bit upset about it too. I always go to this site : before I buy the game. I hardly pre-order PC games because I worried that it might not included subtitle. If I brought the game and found out that the game doesn't included subtitle, the store policy won't gives refund :(
Sometimes I'm lucky if my friend want the game and I can resell it :P
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