Wow, that game night was fun. The turnout was small, but we still had enough people to go around. Between server overloads and Jody parking her truck in the wrong spot, things were a little confusing. But, we all still enjoyed it. And, i got the "He's no good to me dead" badge! Thanks Jody! I would like to thank everyone who was there at the game night, especially JodyR and Psycho-chan13. It was awesome, and i hope we can do it again sometime.
If you are looking to play Battlefield heroes go to but make sure you use internet explorer or firefox, because my first time i did it on chrome and it didn't work. Bah. Well, after you sign up go ahead to the character creation screen. Choose a team (personally i prefer the nationals) and a class (i also prefer commandos). Then click "play now". Once you do this your computer should download the client. Then just get into the game. Experiment with hitting people with vehicles, it's quite entertaining. If you're really good at it, (or just good at flying games) try to hit people with your wings. This game has something for everyone, and i plan to do a review on it when i get the time. Thanks for reading!