*Pats self on the back*
That's right, I did it. I bought and beat Mass Effect! Now my "Now Playing" list is back down to 26 items! XP
As far as Mass Effect goes, I really enjoyed it. I could get used to being able to beat a game in just over 40 hours while still getting in a good amount of side quests. I managed to get my "completionist" achievement without even trying. By the way, I love how they handled achievements. Getting bonuses toward shields, new gear and various other game-altering tidbits is just plain genius.
And the voice acting. Oh, how completely ruined I've become by the amazingly voiced video games I've been playing lately!
Drake's Fortune 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Tales of Vesperia, and now Mass Effect.
It's incredible how much depth a well-voiced character has in comparison to the good ol' silent protagonist of yesteryear.
Mass Effect was good, but also host to a surprising amount of screen tearing, texture pop-ins and occasional glitches. [My Mako got itself impaled on one of those geth spikes once. Hilarious, yes. Worth a restart? No.] The side-quests, as reported, do become quite redundant after a while, but I persevered through sheer force of stubborn will and an urge to see it all.
After a long stint of side-questing, I got a whim to see a bit more and went ahead with the main storyline-- only to discover too late that there was no going back. I'd stumbled into the plot of no return, and saved.
So I didn't manage to clean out my log completely, but after doing every side quest aside from a few of the galaxy-spanning collection quests, I don't feel like I missed much.
All in all, a great game! I'm sure I'll end up making a Renegade, because by the end of everything I was starting to get annoyed with my goody-two-shoes paragon. It'll be fun to shake a few collars in the 2nd run.
But that'll have to wait until I've whittled down my NP list a bit more.
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