Hi everyone. :)
Exams have started for me for a week now and I really hate it. Before that I went to check what cIasses I passed the last semester's exams - the second semester of the year that just ended. I had given 3 lessons and I passed one with a grade of 7/10. The lessons was Linguistics. I wasnt disappointed by the not so high grade because I studied for just a couple of days and by studying I mean reading the book just to understand basic things. I didnt sit down to memorise anything.
So far in the exams I gave Latin Literature and Linguistics of the first semester (the exams of september are there for students to try again on lessons they didnt make it in the normal a and b semesters of the year).
In Latin I am sure I wont be successful because I didnt manage to memorise the translation of the taught text and didnt manage to read a lot of pages from the stuff we had to study. It surprised me though that I could adequately translate the un-taught text. In both Latin and Ancient Greek one exercise is to give you a text (Latin or Ancient Greek respectively) that you have never encountered and was never taught in cIass, for you to translate it. I have always been good in the Ancient Greek one but had never done it with Latin, but it wasnt very difficult. Nonetheless my grade will be very low anyway. :P :(
As for linguistics, it was a very interesting lesson. It was specifically about the basics of Linguistics, such as the history of this specific science field, basic terminology and notions, innovation throughout the the last 2-3 centuries it exists etc etc.
The weird thing is that of course I didnt manage to cover all the stuff we had to study so there was this question that was very simple and was asking whether for Linguistics, oral speach or written speach is held as most important and why. I'll let you guess. ;)
And of course I hadnt managed to read about this. I had an idea of what to write based on my judgement and what I thought of the subject but I hesitated to write it down and it turns out that was exactly the correct answer: what my judgement told me to write. :(
Change of subject....
The weather here is starting to get much colder than it was and it feels like summer is already gone. :( I dont know how to feel. I am more in the mood to go to university this year but of course (as always) I cant stop constantly thinking...
good luck to everyone with their school/college/university/jobs and life in general. :)