Caffe mocha (or moccaccino as it is called in Greek cafeterias) is my favourite coffee and here is why.
It has the good bitter taste of coffee but also the sweet chocolate flavour of hot chocolate. The good thing about it is that different cafeterias use different hot chocolates it seems (and different brands of espresso usually although illy is popular here).
So everytime I go to a different cafeteria and order a moccaccino, it always has a distinct taste than the rest, because the special taste of the hot chocolate a cafeteria uses makes it different everytime. But not so different to annoy me or think that I am drinking something else.
While I was in my hometown I went to two cafeterias and it was great on both. On one of them, the coffee was a bit thick and the chocolate itself was very sweet. In the other cafeteria it was more chocolate-y.
Now in Athens I went to a cafeteria, and there the coffee was both thick and sweet, and very chocolate-y.
Update for last blog: In the end I bought a Sennheiser pair. They are actually better than the Sony's I used to have.