wow, what a day guys. I'm at my moms store (Car Audio store) and this is my second week on the job here. Luckly for me my Mom owns the place so I guess I'm slacking off. I'm soppose to be working on her web page deal however I finished that in like 20 minutes. now I'm just searching on the forums on a different computer in a different room with no one around. Sounds like a good day at work I would say. I've been here today for about 4 hours already doing absoluty nothing but learning stuff, answering phones, and taking appointments. Yes! I do get paid for this!! :D.
Anyways, I'll be ordering Vengeance with my buddy Nate this Sunday. Looks to be a good show. I'm pissed that I didn't order One Night Stand. I'm lucky because my Mom has decided to pay for the PPV. Angle in one interview said that it would be hard to top his match at WM with Michaels but they are sure as hell going to try to.
I get paid next Tuesday I think. I'm going to be bringing in about $80 I bet for the week. Maybe a little bit more. I'm going to try to get $20 to $30 to spend out of that and put the rest in the bank.
Now with $20-$30 to spend. I'm looking for some more ROH DVD's. Please recommend some. I already have:
All 2002 PPV's
One Year Anniversary show
Death Before Dishonor
Main Event Spectables
Final Battle 2003
Joe vs. Punk 2.
Thats only a slight park of the 120 + Video's and DVD's I own :O. WHY MUST I BE HOOKED ON COLLECTING THIS STUFF?!?!?!?!?! Well just to think it will bring in a lot of money some days considering in today's work video's from 1988-1997 range anywhere from $20-$300. Also if you find a WM16 DVD for really really cheap please tell me. The WM16 DVD is selling at an average of $100.
Anyways, have a good day while I fall asleep on the job.... :P