I used to play games a lot more than I do now. I could sit in front of a tv for hours and have fun without worrying about anything else, and not really wanting anything more. When I was 6 (I think), I got a pokemon themed gameboy color with pokemon yellow. I played the hell out of that, as well as pokemon gold/silver when those came out. I loved those games. A year or so later, I got a nintendo 64. Played that a lot, favorites included super smash bros, mario cart 64, mario party 64, and pokemon stadium 1&2. My sister even played mario cart and mario party. Then came the gameboy advance (which I accidentally broke a few years later by punching the screen haha) and gameboy advance sp (which years later was stolen, luckily I had a ds by then XD). I gave a lot of love to those, and was always super excited getting new games for them. Was still very happy and content with spending most of my time this way. I even had a friend who was way into most the stuff I like which is always great. I'm terrible and remembering when things happened, but at some point I traded my N64 and my games for it to buy a gamecube (2003 maybe?). Not the best decision I'll admit haha. I still had some fun with it. Tales of symphonia is still one of my favorite games.
When I was 10, I also got way into runescape. I would spend most of my time playing it. It was really addicting! I had a ton of fun, despite it not being the greatest game. I played it quite madly for 2 years or so. I did start playing it a little less when I got a ps2 (which I think was 2005). I was always into rpgs, so I spent a lot of time with the ps2. A lot of fun was had with it. I got it used, and with a few games including GTA: vice city. I had a friend that would come over and we'd take turns playing it to see who could do the craziest things (mainly using cheats). So yeah, good times. Got a DS in 2006, which I still have & play. I love the phoenix wright series. I used to play them over and over. By this time, I got over my runescape addiction and switched to warcraft 3. I was furiously addicted to the custom games. I had kinda goofed my schooling by then, so I had a lot of spare time and would stay up all night playing it. Some not so proud moments, but I probably got more out of that game than any other. I got it when I was 12, and played it constantly until I was 15.
I got a Wii for christmas in 2006. Wii sports was fun. It didn't get much use other than that. The only other game I played for a good amount of time was tales of symphonia: dawn of the new world. Anyways, I'm getting uninspired so I'll get to the stuff I mainly wanted to write. In late 2009, I finally got an xbox 360 (I even wrote a blog about it XD). I mainly bought it because my friends had one. That and tales of vesperia. This brings me to my main point. I only really enjoy games now If I'm playing with friends. I still like a good rpg, but lately the only reason I'll turn on my xbox or play a pc game is if my friend(s) are on. For example, I went to a midnight launch of starcraft 2. I was thinking I might get a bit addicted to it like I did with warcraft 3. Nope. The only time I'll play (the only time I WANT to play) is when my friends are on. Which isn't very often anymore. Same deal with halo reach. I also went to a midnight launch for it with a friend. The next day we played through the campaign together. That was fun. We played multiplayer a lot the next few days, also fun. Unfortunately my xbox live gold had expired. Didn't turn my xbox on much afterwards. I renewed my live account a few months later, but my friends weren't playing as often anymore. I still play occasionally, and it's fun. My xbox doesn't get a lot of love though. I recently bought magicka off steam because my friend has it and said the co-op was good. We only played it for a few hours, but that alone made it worth it. On wednesday, I bought portal 2. I played the first on steam when they were giving it away for free, and thought it was pretty great. Even so, the only real reason I bought portal 2 was because my friend did.
*summary/ending notes* I used to play games constantly, mainly by myself, and I loved it. Now, I mainly just play co-op games occasionally. My passion for games has faded quite a lot. I was just thinking about this a bit and though it might be worth trying to put in text form. I'm sure it's a sloppy mess. I got uninspired writing those first 2 massive paragraphs. Figured I might as well try to put some more of my experiences/feelings out there. I'm not great at expressing myself. I am also tired. It is 3:35 am. I should sleep. God help you if you read all this.
*edit* I'm still embarrased that my username is "tehreaper".
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