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TehReaper Blog

Sloppy ramblings about my relationship with video games (past and present)

I used to play games a lot more than I do now. I could sit in front of a tv for hours and have fun without worrying about anything else, and not really wanting anything more. When I was 6 (I think), I got a pokemon themed gameboy color with pokemon yellow. I played the hell out of that, as well as pokemon gold/silver when those came out. I loved those games. A year or so later, I got a nintendo 64. Played that a lot, favorites included super smash bros, mario cart 64, mario party 64, and pokemon stadium 1&2. My sister even played mario cart and mario party. Then came the gameboy advance (which I accidentally broke a few years later by punching the screen haha) and gameboy advance sp (which years later was stolen, luckily I had a ds by then XD). I gave a lot of love to those, and was always super excited getting new games for them. Was still very happy and content with spending most of my time this way. I even had a friend who was way into most the stuff I like which is always great. I'm terrible and remembering when things happened, but at some point I traded my N64 and my games for it to buy a gamecube (2003 maybe?). Not the best decision I'll admit haha. I still had some fun with it. Tales of symphonia is still one of my favorite games.

When I was 10, I also got way into runescape. I would spend most of my time playing it. It was really addicting! I had a ton of fun, despite it not being the greatest game. I played it quite madly for 2 years or so. I did start playing it a little less when I got a ps2 (which I think was 2005). I was always into rpgs, so I spent a lot of time with the ps2. A lot of fun was had with it. I got it used, and with a few games including GTA: vice city. I had a friend that would come over and we'd take turns playing it to see who could do the craziest things (mainly using cheats). So yeah, good times. Got a DS in 2006, which I still have & play. I love the phoenix wright series. I used to play them over and over. By this time, I got over my runescape addiction and switched to warcraft 3. I was furiously addicted to the custom games. I had kinda goofed my schooling by then, so I had a lot of spare time and would stay up all night playing it. Some not so proud moments, but I probably got more out of that game than any other. I got it when I was 12, and played it constantly until I was 15.

I got a Wii for christmas in 2006. Wii sports was fun. It didn't get much use other than that. The only other game I played for a good amount of time was tales of symphonia: dawn of the new world. Anyways, I'm getting uninspired so I'll get to the stuff I mainly wanted to write. In late 2009, I finally got an xbox 360 (I even wrote a blog about it XD). I mainly bought it because my friends had one. That and tales of vesperia. This brings me to my main point. I only really enjoy games now If I'm playing with friends. I still like a good rpg, but lately the only reason I'll turn on my xbox or play a pc game is if my friend(s) are on. For example, I went to a midnight launch of starcraft 2. I was thinking I might get a bit addicted to it like I did with warcraft 3. Nope. The only time I'll play (the only time I WANT to play) is when my friends are on. Which isn't very often anymore. Same deal with halo reach. I also went to a midnight launch for it with a friend. The next day we played through the campaign together. That was fun. We played multiplayer a lot the next few days, also fun. Unfortunately my xbox live gold had expired. Didn't turn my xbox on much afterwards. I renewed my live account a few months later, but my friends weren't playing as often anymore. I still play occasionally, and it's fun. My xbox doesn't get a lot of love though. I recently bought magicka off steam because my friend has it and said the co-op was good. We only played it for a few hours, but that alone made it worth it. On wednesday, I bought portal 2. I played the first on steam when they were giving it away for free, and thought it was pretty great. Even so, the only real reason I bought portal 2 was because my friend did.

*summary/ending notes* I used to play games constantly, mainly by myself, and I loved it. Now, I mainly just play co-op games occasionally. My passion for games has faded quite a lot. I was just thinking about this a bit and though it might be worth trying to put in text form. I'm sure it's a sloppy mess. I got uninspired writing those first 2 massive paragraphs. Figured I might as well try to put some more of my experiences/feelings out there. I'm not great at expressing myself. I am also tired. It is 3:35 am. I should sleep. God help you if you read all this.

*edit* I'm still embarrased that my username is "tehreaper".

The Witcher!

I bought The Witcher: Enhanced Edition on steam during the sale for $13. It is quite addicting. I've had it a bit over a week, and I've played it for almost 50 hours now. I'm enjoying the story (just started chapter IV) and am excited to see where it goes. The combat can get fairy repetitive, especially when you have to constantly kill drowners. The upgrade system is pretty basic, but still fun. I had intercourse with a dryad.

That's all I got.

Finally got my 360!

After saving up for a good while, I finally got enough and bought a 60 gb pro, and a handful of used games. Still need to get xbox live set up, though for now I've been playing a whole lot of tales of vesperia(In 1080p!). Still got lots of games to buy once I have more money, but for now, I'm a happy man.

Throwin' Down

I've decided to only rate games I've "finished". I'm not talking like 100% complete, but at least having seen the credits roll, and in the case of music games and such, I'll rate em if I think I've played enough. I have a bunch of games I haven't beat, and some I've barely touched, so I want to start finishing more of them and give a full rating. How's that for excitement!?

I've been playing a bunch of rogue galaxy lately,since I kinda lost interest in devil may cry 2 at a point, though I'll probably finish it after rogue galaxy(who knows when, it's rather long.) For my ds I've kinda been switching between layton and hatsworth, and I'll say that henry hatsworth seems pretty damn long. Can be rather hard as well, I can see myself getting very frustrated further on...so we'll see how long that lasts. It can be pretty fun to sit down with layton and crank out a few puzzles, which can also be rather hard. I kinda want a new ds rpg to grind threw though... No idea how I'm going to beat all these games with my short attention span. AAAAAAAH!

edit: bleh, screw it.

Random gaming updates

Pretty bored, so I'll write up a delightful blog post about what I've been playing!

Well first off, I pretty much finished dragon quest monster joker. (saw the credits at least) It was pretty fun and addicting to explore the lands and try to make the biggest, coolest looking monsters. There's only a light story element to give you a path to proceed on when you so choose, so I finished that, and just started grinding levels in hope of raising my rank in the online leader boards. I realized that it was basically a lost cause when I found out my big scary monsters could get easily abused by low rank, tiny monsters. Them leader boards are all about the stats, which I don't find very exciting. So yeah, fun game if you like grinding and fusing monsters.

I've got quite a lot of ds games I haven't beat, so I'm trying to finish some of those up, starting with professor layton! Couldn't hurt to puzzle my brain a bit, and finish it off since there's a sequel coming up. Enough of the exciting portable game talk, time for extra-exciting console stuff!

So...I'm pretty broke and lazy, (though I'm trying to get a 360) so my ps2 tends to get a lot of love still. I picked up that devil may cry bundle thing that comes with the 3 games, since I only had the first one. I never actually finished it, and it was in an ugly blank case, so I felt it was worth picking up. Almost finished the first one now, and boy I suck at it. I tried playing it on normal at first. I found myself dying a whole lot, and bosses took lots of patience to take down, which I don't have much of. I like to hit the devil trigger and hit them in the face a bunch till they die, so easy automatic has done me good! I'm a big nub, but I want to blast through the 3 games and have fun doing it. GOOD STUFF!

Now... my pc is pretty old, and can't run today's game too well, but I decided to give battleforge a shot, with the whole "free version". Been running it on low quality, since any higher and it lagged like a beast. I'm a bit of an rts fan, went through a big wc3 phase, and this is very similar. The big difference is the whole card aspect, which works pretty well. I went through all the beginner story missions, and it was pretty fun. The only thing is that if you want better cards, you have to buy "battleforge points" which I don't really want to do. Cool game, though I'm probably done with it now since the multiplayer doesn't interest me much.

So there ya have it.

(ps. I wrote this while listening to ice cube, so GANGSTA RAP MADE ME DO IT!)

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon

Being a fan of the gba fire emblems, I went and got FE:SD. Haven't beat it yet, but I can say..It's pretty much the same as the other ones, but with minor improvements/bigger disappointments. There are improvements like the re-class option, which lets you switch units to the class of your liking before battle,(with some restrictions) then there are disappointments like a fairly weak story, no support convos, and a flood of semi-useless characters dumped on you.

The animations are new, making them look kind of like animated and faceless chess pieces, which is kind of cool, but most of them are fairly lame. You've got marth, but he is not as cool as his SSB counterpart. He's the typical self righteous prince that has to run from his kingdom under fire, while the story attempts to make you care why you are fighting with short text boxes. I'm only on chapter 8 so far, but get ready for epic spoilers. There's an evil shadow dragon! that's all I know at the moment in terms of story.

Don't want to bash it too much, but it just seems disappointing compared to the previous games. Not to say it's not fun, since the gameplay is unchanged and still quite enjoyable(and frustrating at times). Soooo in the end I'll say that it's good as a strategy game, not so good as a fire emblem game. Though hopefully I start enjoying it more as I get deeper in!

*edit* well...on the file I was playing, there was a level where there are these ballista type dudes. there is one you can recruit by talking to them with the princess chick who was a pegasus knight by default and i kept her that way. lets just say giant balista bolts are very effective against peg knights. I couldn't get to the guy in one turn, and I though she could survive a hit.....it was 53% chance to do 33 damage. she got smoked, and I had been arena farming that level, and got my merc up to level 20 then promoted to a hero. I did not want to do that again. In rage, I sent my hero over to Mr.Jake the balista man, and killed him. from there on...I was just killing all characters until I finally wanted to start a new game.

That made me not play for a few days, but I pushed that aside and started a new game, and this time I wasn't just going to recruite every useless character. So that's been going pretty well, and when you have 15 characters or less, you get all the bonus chapters so I think it was a good choice. When you have a set group of dudes you like, it makes the game fairly more enjoyable. Plus I'm being far more careful in not rushing my dudes into certain death.

Back to older games I haven't finished.

So I have been fairly bored, with no new games and such, so I thought to go back and give games I never really got into another chance =) First, I'm playing FF3 on ds again, cause a good time ago I kinda kept getting owned and never played it again =_= So I am now atempting to beat it with tedious power leveling. Though power leveling can get a tad boring, so I took a good look at my old GBA games, and realised I had sword of mana, which I never really played. It's actually pretty fun XD I've never really been into the zelda type battle system, but it's been going pretty good so far. So yes. I shall finally beat FF3 and Sword of Mana in the near future! (wasn't that an enjoyable read?)

*super late edit* I beat FF3 a while ago when I was super bored, it wasn't that bad, but I'll say I never want to play it again. I got kind of bored with sword of mana when I got lost, and the fighting was getting repetitive. Not sure when/or if I'll finish it. =/

FFTA2! finaly =)

Finally picked it up, after wanting a new ds game fairly bad. I enjoyed the first one very much, but it got stolen along with my gba, so i've been longing for it since then =p I'm not very far into it yet, so i only have pretty basic classes and such, but it still seems very much like FFTA, which is good. There seems to be a few new features, like new classes which i shall get soon enough =D but there's things like the loot system where you get random stuff from completing quests and killing monsters, which you can sell to the shop, or use the trade thing which can be used to add new equiptment to the shop. I'm sure theres much more in store for me, but I'm enjoying it so far, and am off to play some more!
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