Well, its been a sucky few days, still waiting for my job, and my bannage is still in effect. They have banned alot of people, including dzigns, who was on my friends list...... and i respected him as a forumite and a poster. I still think i didnt deserve my bannage, i emailed bethany, i PM'ed CaseyWegner, and he even Pm'ed bethany...... still.... no word. I think gs is quick to ban, but i dont think they are fair. 30 days for quoting a TOS... wow, dont they have other people to ban, like the people who call GS racist, or the people who say that "bethany is too ugly to review games"????.... I dont understand it, they should get 30 days. Maybe im making a big deal, but if you were stuck at home with a girlfriend who is mad at you and not givin any lovin, then you would feel the same way I do.
This dude, panda_rage told me that another mod helped him out, when he got perm banned. he got his perm ban lowered to a temp ban, so he told me to PM him, so i did. The mod was Goose, and i havnt gotten a response yet, but panda told me he was a good guy, so i belive him. Maybe he will see that 30 days is a little too much..
thats all until then, i think ima go lay in bed and see why im not getting any
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