Teh_Gam3r / Member

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Days 3 4 and 5

Well, its been a sucky few days, still waiting for my job, and my bannage is still in effect. They have banned alot of people, including dzigns, who was on my friends list...... and i respected him as a forumite and a poster. I still think i didnt deserve my bannage, i emailed bethany, i PM'ed CaseyWegner, and he even Pm'ed bethany...... still.... no word. I think gs is quick to ban, but i dont think they are fair. 30 days for quoting a TOS... wow, dont they have other people to ban, like the people who call GS racist, or the people who say that "bethany is too ugly to review games"????.... I dont understand it, they should get 30 days. Maybe im making a big deal, but if you were stuck at home with a girlfriend who is mad at you and not givin any lovin, then you would feel the same way I do.

This dude, panda_rage told me that another mod helped him out, when he got perm banned. he got his perm ban lowered to a temp ban, so he told me to PM him, so i did. The mod was Goose, and i havnt gotten a response yet, but panda told me he was a good guy, so i belive him. Maybe he will see that 30 days is a little too much..

thats all until then, i think ima go lay in bed and see why im not getting any

Day 1 & 2

Well, hopefully this will not get deleted, im not flaming or anything, and in the TOS, it does say it is acceptable to have multiple accounts, here is the exact quote

"While it is acceptable for users to maintain multiple accounts on GameSpot, GameSpot can and does track multiple shared accounts from a single or multiple computers as one account in terms of TOS violations. If the TOS is violated severely enough to warrant the banning of one account, all known accounts shared between a single or multiple users who use the same computer may also be banned for the actions of the violating account at the administrators' discretion."

Please, admins, if you see this, dont ban it, im not going to flame or do anything wrong here, i just want to write down my feelings on the 30 day ban i recieved.

Well, to start it off, the first 2 days pretty much sucked, im stuck here, waiting on a list, trying to get my job in order. I just finished fire college, and hopefully Miami Dade Fire Department will pick me up. Im pretty sure everyone who posted in the thread i got banned in, got banned themselves. Im just wondering how long they got it for. Something like a 30 day ban, is unwarrented in my case, and in theirs aswell. I would have to say, that the only ban over 7 days in that thread, should of gone to the the guy who originally posted the offensive post. But oh well, hopefully they didnt screw me, and have me being the only one with a 30 day ban. Well, Im currently trying to fight the length of the ban, ive already emailed gamespot, and they have yet to email me back, i have also Pm'ed the "Head Mod" of SW, CaseyWegner, and he seemed like a nice guy, even though he could not help me directly, he did forward the PM to Bethany, who hopefully will see that this bannage was too strict of a punishment. Anyone have any thoughts on this???