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Black Heroes in Gaming

Hold on there, I know what you're thinking: Another average black male whining about being misrepresented in the media. Well, in a way you're right, but at the same time, I do feel that the issue has to be brought up and focused on, more in-depth. With that said, let me first state that no...it does not matter what color the hero's skin is in a game. However, developers do tend to make nearly all black characters, generic, ebonic-spouting, pot-smoking thugs, which can be a bit grating to those of us out there who are neither of the ebonic-spouting or pot-smoking persuasion.

I'm not saying that every black character in gaming has been represented in this way, but let's face it, in the last few years, aside from some historic war-games, and Shadow-man, there haven't been very many black characters represented otherwise. As entertaining as some games can be (San Andreas, Saints Row, etc.), there's a severe bias in the lead character roles. Yes, the aforementioned games are best-suited for those types of characters, but those games seem to be the only ones that really have a black protagonist, and let's face it, they aren't the most positive role models in the world, and they certainly don't represent every African-American person on the planet.

So what am I asking for? To be honest, I just want a game that I can play with my son, that doesn't involve black characters spouting N-bombs and F-bombs, every other word. We can do other things than drive-by shootings, or beat-up hookers. Part of the problem is that even when there is a positive black role model in a game, they still have to make him spout the most ridiculous lines during the game. (Indigo Prophecy had a great character in it, but he still was very stereotypically represented, though not nearly as bad as some games.)

Perhaps the problem isn't that they're trying to represent black culture. Instead, they're trying to give the game an edgy, hip feel, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but alot of times, the edgy-ness is completely moronic and off-kilter with the rest of the game. In essence, I guess I should really blame white suburbia for buying into the "gangsta" lifestyle so much. Yeah, sounds ludicrous, but that's who gaming companies are designing these games for, to be honest. I'm sure that they're trying to reach out to the black community as well, but thus far, myself and several of my friends just can't help but wonder if any of these developers even knows a black man that didn't come "Straight Outta Compton"...

As I've said, it really doesn't matter what color a person is in the game...at the end of the day, it's just not important. However, when nearly every single representative of one race is a 50-Cent wannabe, it can be a bit frustrating and irritating. All I'm asking, is for developers to take the time to look at the context of the game...if it fits, fine, but if you're just adding hip-hop culture to generate sales, then at least make them role models along the lines of K-os or KRS-One, and not 50-Cent.

Never Cheer Before You Know Who's Winning

It's official, I hate checking the news on Gamespot now...Whoa....hold up there ed's...before you get the wrong idea, know one thing: This isn't about you, or your reporting. You're beautiful sweethearts, don't ever change.

No, friends, what I speak of is the increasing number of user-created messages that seem to be attacking other users for having opinions. It's gotten to the point where you can scroll pretty much through 10 pages and not find more than 2 or three comments that are relevant to the story, anymore.

Never let it be said that I am condemning people for going off-topic, as I've done it many, many times as well...(Like the time I was talking to my friend Ash and we were going on and on about the PS3 and how we...er..right...nevermind, not relevant.) The problem is that if the story tends to be in regards to one of the big 3, the "Fanboys", automatically jump in to add their 2 cents...not by posting anything remotely interesting or vaguely pertaining to the topic, but by posting how (insert console name here), is a piece of crap, (insert one of the competing brands name here) is gonna kick ass once it's running at full tilt. Riiiiiiiiiight...

Look, I've got no problem with anyone voicing an opinion, ever (exception being intolerant people like racists and the likes). But essentially what starts as someone voicing their opinion just degrades into juvenile name calling and complete idiocy. If you hate Microsoft so much, why go into a story that is clearly all about how well or poorly Microsoft is doing, just to say that the 360 sucks and the PS3 rules? I see no point in that. I don't like eggs, but you know what, I'm not going to call people who love eggs ignorant names simply because they like them...where's the logic in that? I don't like eggs, so I stay the hell away from them...much like if I don't like a console company, I don't go out of my way to find a story on them and bash anyone who's supporting their console of choice. Why? Because everyone has an opinion and you can present all the facts and figures that you want...people's opinions don't change. PS2 outsold Xbox by a large margin, but guess what, that isn't going to change some people's opinions on the matter of which console is better. Just because something sells well, doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is going  to love it...and if they don't love it, it sure as heck doesn't mean you should verbally berate them for having a differing opinion...I mean, how can anyone take the gaming community seriously when all we do is fight over which system is better than the other. We look like a bunch of kids on the playground, for the love of [whatever deity you prefer..]

Ok, so now some of you are thinking...well if you don't like reading that stuff, just don't look, and to an extent you're right...but let's face it, if you're reading a story about your favourite console, or whatnot, you're probably going to post a small congratulatory note, or a point of admonishment, whatever your particular point of view is, so you're bound to run across at least a few of the remarks that I'm speaking of.

I do commend Gamespot for giving us the right to voice our opinions freely, and for the most part, it's great to see everyone taking part...but in the long run, what I really want to know is..."can't we all just get along:"

[note: Yeah, that was a cheap ending, so what? You wanna make something of it?]

[another note: Yeah, I know I used MS and Sony as the examples and made it sound like MS is my system of choice, but I assure you, this is all just based on the things I've seen on the boards, and the most obvious examples I could think of. I have high hopes for all of the big three in the coming years, so if you love Sony...good for you.]

Happy Canada Day!!!

Oi! You lot, have a good Canada Day...

I'm celebrating it the traditional way...booze and explosives!

Here's hoping my all my limbs make it.

Insert Smarmy Title Here. (Console wars 2006)

I've been thinking about the coming console war. Looking at what the 360 has offered so far, I have to say, I'm thinking it's going to be a tough war to win for the competition. I could make this sound like a huge infomercial for Microsoft, but really, that's not what I want to do.

You see, I'm trying to remain as objective as possible, as Sony has been my go to console for two gens, but alot of whatSonyissaying about the PS3,is completely throwing me.It just doesn't sound to me like they're thinking about games anymore. I mean, yes, they are thinking about games, but not first and foremost.At least, not from what I've read lately.

The question is, am I willing to pay $500for the PS3, if I'm only going to use it forgames that only count for a small percentage of what the consoles usage is.. I'll be honest, everything they put on there that doesn't relate to games, I could give a flying...well, you know where I'm head with that...I don't want excess bells and whistles, just give mesomething that plays bloody games, and maybemovies, (though that's not a real necessity, it is nice to have). Oh, and I don't give a sh*t about format either. Neither format is really all that awe-inspiring, at this stage in the game, and to be honest, I think Blu-ray will have some issues with the casual electronics consumer anyway. But that's a whole other can of worms, so let's stick to the subject at hand.

Right now, Microsoft's got the right stuff...Live is a killer service, the games are pretty sweet, and show real potential...but I'm wondering what will happen when Sony gets its legs. Will they hit the ground running and take off with the console race by releasing some killer apps right off the bat? Will people be too put out by the price? Does anyone care about the extras that Sony plan on offering? Can they really expect to compete with Live when the PS2 service was a little...lacking?

Now some of you may ask why I'm not including Nintendo in this current console race...well, it's because I don't think that Nintendo is trying to vie for the console title. They're doing their own thing, and I respect that. Having seen the Wii in action at E3, I'm inclined to think that Nintendo will do well, without trying to compete with Sony or Microsoft. As long as they don't get caught up in all the hype of the other two, I'm not going to worry about them, anyway.

E3 - The Pre-show Jitters

Being that everyone I travelled with is either passed out or gone to the clubs I figure I'd log on and wiegh in on what I hope to see at the show.

I'm hoping Sony will alleviate many of the fears I've got about the coming console. Just put the rumors to rest, give us the price; will the console allow you to play used, or rented games? The controller...what's up with the batarang? There's a ton of other questions and fears I have about the system, but those are the front-runners for me.

As for Nintendo, I'm interested in seeing the Wii in action. I won't be standing in line to play it...I'll leave that to the real game journalists, not my ragtag bunch of misfits. Just seeing it should be enough to guage whether or not the Big N is heading down a new and er...revolutionary path. Will Nintendo follow through with this controller, or will it go the way of connectivity, and a boat load of other Nintendo concepts that start off strong, then get underused and eventually die off? I can't see them letting that happen, being that the controller is the main selling feature of the console, but Nintendo can sometimes give up on itself far too easily.

I'm not expecting much from Microsoft, they've already got their console out, so they're relying solely on game demos and some announcements about the Live service. (I haven't read much about their presentation, but I think it's safe to say there isn't much left for them to do this year.) At this point, they don't need to win best in show, they just have to sit back and wait to see what Sony and Nintendo are going to bring to the table. With a years head start, they've really gotta just be waiting to hear what Sony and the Big N are planning for November and then thinking of some killer marketing strategies to counteract what those companies have in store.

I'm really hoping that I won't embarass myself...being that I've been to the last two shows, I know what to expect by now. I'll post my thoughts on the shows when I've got time, but just thought I'd let you know what I'm expecting from the big three in the console business. For those of you going, I'll see you there, but for those of you who can't attend...trust me, Gamespot's going to have it covered from all angles. To effectively simulate the experience, try these tips: don't wear deodorant or shower for the next couple of days, forego sleep, and watch every video the they put on the site...that way you can have the sights, smells, and even the feeling of what it's like to wander the hallowed convention center with the pros. (I'm not implying that anyone on staff @ GS or myself for that matter, do not shower or deodorize before the show...hell, they all smell like cotton-candy and roses for all I know...it's just that last year I got stuck in line behind some pretty ripe individuals waiting to get into some of the areas of the show.)

There's Just No Reasoning With People Who Use the Word Roxxors!!$#

I think I've given up on going to the forums anymore. It just seems that the people that go there, aren't really there to post anything relevant. Most of the posts are polls to see "who likes the Metal Gear series", or "should I get a 360?" Even if someone does post something that's relevant or pertains to points that they disliked about a game, they're jumped on by fanboys, who pull out phrases such as..."You just don't get that game because you're an idiot...(insert game name), is the roxxors4#@$@#!"

I suppose that's why there's no REAL political discussion on the boards here...last thing we need is for someone to post an opinion on the current US administration, and receive the reply, "Cha...the Bush administration is the suxxors!!@#". (Before some of you young Republicans jump down my throat, this is just an example...so relax...please.)

I know there are a handful of people out there that really want to post some meaningful points and have something really important to say, but it seems that those people are being drown out by the 336th new thread on What game should I buy now that I've inherited some money from my dead grandma/sister/ferret...

You wanna know what game you should buy? Maybe do some research. If you've hated every racing game you've ever played, don't buy a racing game. Read a review or two on the games that interest you. Rent a title before you buy it...There are a plethora of options out there for you...if you're still unsure, and you must post a thread on the matter...do me a favor, let gamers know your interests before asking what game should I buy? If you ask and don't provide people with that information, you're just going to get a hundred different one word responses, or worse...the "Get (insert game name, again), 'cause it's the roxxors#$@#!!!" reply.

Anyway, rather than sit and b*tch about how terrible the posting habits of a lot of the forum users are, I'm going to continue to post threads that actually have a point, and hopefully it will inspire a revolution...educated dialogue on a gaming board. 'Cause educated dialogue...is indeed the roxxors!@#

A Rose By Any Other Name...

Well, everyone seems to be hating on Nintendo at the moment, and I for one, don't see what the big deal is. It's a name for a console. Call it the Happy box In Which Discs Go and Make You Play Most Excellent Games...so long as it plays well, I'm good. Yeah, Wii isn't the greatest name for a console coming into a North American market, but I'm not gonna boycott Nintendo for picking a name that I don't like. I'll pass judgement after I play the system. I've seen some fanboys say that they're not going to buy the console if Nintendo sticks with the Wii name. WTF? It's just a name. Seriously. Has Nintendo ever not delivered quality? (Alright, the Virtual Boy and Power Glove aside. At least the Power Glove looked sweet when you were breakin'). (Power Glove may not have even been Nintendo's fault...may have been Mattel, but it's been so long that I can't really remember).

The problem is that they started with a name that meant something to North American gamers. Revolution is a cool name, no two ways about it. And judging from the new controller and some sweet new features for the system, it may have even been the perfect name for the console...but Nintendo had its reasons for changing the name, and so long as the Zelda, Metroid and  Mario titles and maybe even Eternal Darkness II (I can dream can't I?), play well, I could give a flying (insert expletive here) what they call it. A rose by any other name, you know?

Alright people!

The time to wage war against the ignorant bastards on this site has come. I read posts from the supposed l33t gamers bashing the hell out of the so called noobs and you know what, it's got to stop. Just because you figured something out in a matter of minutes and someone else is having trouble with it, does not give you the right to slam them or call them names. Most of the people who've just picked up Oblivion, or even PD0 may have never played that type of game before, and because this is their first forray into the world of RPG's or FPS's, cut them some slack, for the love of God. Yes, we all know you need to demonstrate the hugeness of your gaming penis, based on the fact that you know everything there is to know about a game, but instead of being a prat about it, how about using your knowledge to teach a person how to recognize certain things, or how to best make use of a games features, rather than just calling them ignorant names and having them end up frustrated and pissed off at you by the end of it. Passing on the knowledge in a kind and patient way benefits everyone, as in the case of online play, your coaching someone in PD0 who doesn't grasp a certain concept in team Deathmatch may result in your team coming out way on top if you take the time to explain the concept and not just brush off the noob.

Oh, and another thing...it's a game, get over yourself...

This message brought to you by a gamer who can't stand other gamers with ego's the size of Gibraltor.

Yes, I'm a pissy bi*ch, so sue me.


Alrighty, being that I have nothing else to talk about, and as my life is not even remotely interesting...here's a list of things that I'm into this week.

For a Good read: Neil Gaiman - Stardust (again).

Song of the week: Martina Topley-Bird - Sandpaper Kisses

Movie of the week: Pan's Labyrinth

Game of the week: Viva Pinata or Wii Sports

Dilemma of the week:Driving to St. Thomas on a snow covered highway just to drop my kids off at a sitters so I can celebrate my anniversary all romantic like or staying home with the family altogether and rainchecking until the weather is better.

High point of the week: Pay day!!!

Low point of the week: Bills!!!

Delusion of the week: I thought I loved my job for a moment...it was brief...but reality hit me pretty quick.