Well, everyone seems to be hating on Nintendo at the moment, and I for one, don't see what the big deal is. It's a name for a console. Call it the Happy box In Which Discs Go and Make You Play Most Excellent Games...so long as it plays well, I'm good. Yeah, Wii isn't the greatest name for a console coming into a North American market, but I'm not gonna boycott Nintendo for picking a name that I don't like. I'll pass judgement after I play the system. I've seen some fanboys say that they're not going to buy the console if Nintendo sticks with the Wii name. WTF? It's just a name. Seriously. Has Nintendo ever not delivered quality? (Alright, the Virtual Boy and Power Glove aside. At least the Power Glove looked sweet when you were breakin'). (Power Glove may not have even been Nintendo's fault...may have been Mattel, but it's been so long that I can't really remember).
The problem is that they started with a name that meant something to North American gamers. Revolution is a cool name, no two ways about it. And judging from the new controller and some sweet new features for the system, it may have even been the perfect name for the console...but Nintendo had its reasons for changing the name, and so long as the Zelda, Metroid and Mario titles and maybe even Eternal Darkness II (I can dream can't I?), play well, I could give a flying (insert expletive here) what they call it. A rose by any other name, you know?