Tehnubbin / Member

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There's Just No Reasoning With People Who Use the Word Roxxors!!$#

I think I've given up on going to the forums anymore. It just seems that the people that go there, aren't really there to post anything relevant. Most of the posts are polls to see "who likes the Metal Gear series", or "should I get a 360?" Even if someone does post something that's relevant or pertains to points that they disliked about a game, they're jumped on by fanboys, who pull out phrases such as..."You just don't get that game because you're an idiot...(insert game name), is the roxxors4#@$@#!"

I suppose that's why there's no REAL political discussion on the boards here...last thing we need is for someone to post an opinion on the current US administration, and receive the reply, "Cha...the Bush administration is the suxxors!!@#". (Before some of you young Republicans jump down my throat, this is just an example...so relax...please.)

I know there are a handful of people out there that really want to post some meaningful points and have something really important to say, but it seems that those people are being drown out by the 336th new thread on What game should I buy now that I've inherited some money from my dead grandma/sister/ferret...

You wanna know what game you should buy? Maybe do some research. If you've hated every racing game you've ever played, don't buy a racing game. Read a review or two on the games that interest you. Rent a title before you buy it...There are a plethora of options out there for you...if you're still unsure, and you must post a thread on the matter...do me a favor, let gamers know your interests before asking what game should I buy? If you ask and don't provide people with that information, you're just going to get a hundred different one word responses, or worse...the "Get (insert game name, again), 'cause it's the roxxors#$@#!!!" reply.

Anyway, rather than sit and b*tch about how terrible the posting habits of a lot of the forum users are, I'm going to continue to post threads that actually have a point, and hopefully it will inspire a revolution...educated dialogue on a gaming board. 'Cause educated dialogue...is indeed the roxxors!@#