I have to say that I enjoy both games, for what they are. I've always liked the sim aspect of 2K and the franchise mode is pretty sweet. There's alot to do in it and it's complex but forgiving if you happen to overlook something every once in a while. 07 is the best when it comes to gameplay, though. No denying the skill stick is an addicting feature, as I find myself trying anything and everything to fake out a goalie and score. Sometimes feels a bit too easy though, as most of the time, your shot guns off the post and behind the goalie anyway, and the defense is a little lacking at both sides of the ice. There's also a tendency to overuse phrases in the 07 game...(Kinda like the whole Fight Night overuse of the word Haymaker thing. Maybe it's just a thing with EA?)
1. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - I never played the PS version of the game, so I can't comment on it, but I put more time into the GBA version of the game than I have most console titles I own, so that says alot about how compelling the game is. 2. Shadow Hearts (ps2) - doesn't matter which one, though Covenant might be my top pick, I love the story and gameplay in all 3 of them, so whichever I ended up with would be good. 3. Decatholon (atari2600) - The best sports title ever released...er...ok, maybe not, but my dad and I played this for hours and hours on end, when I was young, and I still love playing it to this day. 4. TimeSplitters Future Perfect - Gotta have something like this on my list, being that shooters are my bread and butter, and I love the Time Splitters series, more than any other shooter...I don't know why, guess I just think it's over the top, albeit mindless gameplay is fun, and addictive as hell. 5. Prince of Persia Sands of Time - I'm going with this, once again for the story, but the excellent gameplay does play a hand in this. To this day, I've yet to play something that has both gameplay and story that are anywhere near as good.
Tehnubbin's comments