@mix4 And how many of those five 360s did you send in? How many did you buy new? How much game time was lost in between your dead 360s? Or, total lost time? Just wondering :) It just shows how loyal you were to your 360 and that's awesome. It would have been after the third one for me that I would have said, "screw it, I am not dealing with this crap anymore." This was also pretty much the sole reason that the 360 wasn't even in the running for me in 2007; was not going to play Russian Roulette. But I completely agree with you having both consoles, you don't get to miss out on any great exclusives :)
No specific game, have been a Sony guy for many years, but PC is where my heart is. But, at the time I had the money (2007), it was either build a new gaming rig, and get a Wii or buy a PS3 and get a laptop; so I could focus more on school and a lot less Counter-Strike, BF2 etc. So decided to go the PS3 and laptop route. Glad I did and regret it at the same time. What REALLY pushed me over the edge to get a PS3 though is I could hook up a mouse and keyboard to play Unreal Tournament 3 (still hated playing any type of shooter with a controller), plus all the Red Ring crap with the 360 at the time. Plus, I could install Linux if I wanted, but this feature is now 86d, and really pissed off about it, but I regress. Also could play my old PSX games I still had and any PS2 games I wanted. Also the web browser, how open the system was, etc. But, I am still really happy with my PS3 to this day. Made me learn to play shooters with a controller, made some new friends, love the indie games, HOME, you name it. It's just a great "Entertainment System". And will agree that the 360 is a GREAT console, and if you want a smoother experience for playing games, go with a 360, you won't regret it. But the PS3 fits my needs a little better. Would own all 3 consoles and have a gaming rig if I could, but living is more important right now :)
No. It's WORSE! All this crap now with developers crying over second hand sales is getting ridiculous, and starting to piss me off. I am at a point where money is gone before I even get it, so buying games is extremely few and far between now. And believe it's that way for a lot of people. And now developers want to nickle and dime the customers that buy their games used to be able to access online, etc. When in fact, they buy that game used, like the developer, game, etc., and are then more inclined to buy a new game from them. Or, on the flip side, not even want to bother with them because of their practices, which I am getting to that point. I want the good ol' days of Shareware back :) Yes, basically demos like today, but it was how the developers handled their property back then. It's wasn't all about the money, it was about getting their product out there to the world :)
....Read Dead Redemption (Rockstar's ONLY good game).... I just have no words for that statement the OP said, none. Also, yes, a lot of people get the ACTUAL developer messed up with the Publisher because the Publisher is usually on the case/box bigger than the developer. Yes, most of the time the publisher has their hand in the game, but they didn't have the MAIN hand. And I am still getting over that statement above, I really am. L.A. Noire is obviously not your kind of game or you are basing completely off the bug that wouldn't let you progress through the game. And if that is the case, then again, I have no words for you. So, there is probably more I want to say, but I am not going to. Just had to give my 2 cents. Thanks.
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