It would be interesting if someone actually had the nerve to come out and say, "It's not video games, it's society and parenting." That probably won't ever happen because people need something or someone to blame. As for this, the guy was mentally ill, case closed.
Played this at a friend's and thought the run game was tuned in a way that gave me a good sense of differentiation between an elite running back and a middling running back. Where I think this game flopped, however, is passing the ball as well as playing defense. Still the same old stupid issues that have always plagued the franchise. It's time for some competition to keep things fresh.
I have to say I was really skeptical, albeit extremely excited, when I heard of Sony's big announcement. I'll be honest, I watched the entire event and was impressed, though I'm more excited to see what games are announced between now and the launch. That being said I'm still awaiting Microsoft's announcement. I consider myself a Sony guy (owned all three Playstations thus far), but I want to see how the PS4 and 720 are going to stack up against one another.
For the love of all things good and decent in this world, let this game be good. I've been dying for a truly epic quality gladiator game to be developed, and the fact that it's a Spartacus game makes it that much more exciting.
New consoles would be nice if they could really ramp up the graphical power of the system and do something innovative. I'd much rather see developers, however, actually make some true AAA quality games. When a game launches at $60, it should be worth $60. I realize that that'll always be a personal opinion, and to each their own, but most games just leave a lot to be desired.
I just find it sad that each year my interest is piqued by so many games, yet I'm ultimately disappointed by overly easy games, unfinished games, or games that just don't live up to their hype. Maybe it's just me but developers seem to be getting lazier and lazier. Screw this stupid yearly release and rushed launches crap, and for the love of god start making top notch games again.
You know, I've honestly had a hard time getting into Skyrim. As much as I like the game, it just hasn't really grabbed ahold of me like Oblivion and Morrowind did. Having seen this trailer, however, I just may have found that extra spark to really get me into it.
I agree, I'm sick of news companies and politicians slamming the video game industry. Sure small children are impressionable because they don't have the same level of understanding as adultsbut in the words of many before me "well no s***". Video game choice for the younger demographic is really common sense and the blame still, real shocker here, lies with parents who let their children play age inappropriate games. As far as female portrayal in video games goes, well sure some games portray a bad message but it obviously isn't meant to be serious so why the heck would you take that seriously and take it to heart. That's like watching a movie that's completely irrelevant to the real world and thinking, "hmmm maybe I should run around and kill people because it seemed realistic". Like come on where has common sense gone in this world.
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