So I haven't played an AC game since II, heard that the series went downhill after that...I can only buy one game this November, what would you guys suggest? The AC Heritage Collection that includes all AC games except IV or The XCOM Commander Edition. I'm on PS3 and I love both genres equally
I own the game since Wednesday and I'm loving it so far (almost done with it). It's a shame that a horrible review like this will affect so many people and potentially hurt the game's sales... It may not be a great advancement from AC but it has enough new gameplay features, a better story with better use of the characters, a better musical score, better side missions, more challenge maps AND Multiplayer (which is an extra and there is no excuse to remove points from the game because of an average multiplayer mode).
If you're so butthurt over the game not offering anything new then stop giving Assassins Creed, Call of Duty, Sport titles and all the other mindless copy-paste yearly releases high scores. WB Montreal put a lot of effort and love into this game and they deserve our support
TeoKot's comments