I like this game a lot too. I have a bunch of time in and I wish I had a super fast heavily armored speedy 360 turning turret with miles of firing range and incredibly powerful one-shot go boom shells.
I never wanted kinect, never was curious about kinect, never wanted any kinect game, never want to talk to kinect, wave to kinect, jump around for kinect, never want kinect to turn on my stereo or television or anything else (I LIKE all my clickers!) and I will never buy an xbox that insists I take kinect too. Never. Too bad MS. I will stick with my old xbox 360 until it croaks and then I'll go 100% PS4. I have xbox 360 and PS3 currently. I'd say I play 95% xbox to 5% ps. I see that changing the other way around pretty soon.
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