"It's fairly obvious that you're lying. You're posting on a videogame board claiming that you have 31 friends...please. You don't have any friends and you never had an Xbox 360. Grow up. Yes, i'm on the videogame board as well...but i, unlike you, am not claiming something as stupid as you just said. I've got 10-15 immediate friends around my college, about 8 or so of them have 360's and neither one has had a problem. Does that mean that none have had problems? No, of course not. Everyone knows of the 5% defective rate the 360 had at launch. That doesn't change the games that it has though or the fact that MS is fixing 360's for free. Wasn't any different with the PS2, people still had DRE's...i being one of them. Ended up getting a slim PS2 when my original one busted. You act as if consoles are completely invincible...they aren't. Some people don't take care of them and that's how it happens. You claim your Xbox 360 blew up? It's kind of a coincidence then that you bring this up now...considering the fact that so many Xbox 360 exclusives are on this list. Are you having trouble accepting it? Seriously, grow up already. Nobody believes the lying." Rofl dude, do some research. In terms of replacing them for free, that's not totally true. They didn't replace any of the exploded ones- they didn't want them sent in b/c there wasn't enough left of them, and they pretty much refused everything else. For those lucky enough to have defective consoles that didn't blow-up, yeah, they gave replacements (about a 1.5-2 month process), which generally broke down within 0-3 weeks (yes, I did say 0), and then MS gave them hell about it, even though they knew they sent refurbished lemons. My, and my friends' experiences are not the only examples- just check the letters section of any gaming magazine, and browse around on the internet and you'll find plenty of people have had similar issues with the console and MS. I should also probably mention that I mentioned the 360's issues in reply to the discussion about price. And yeah, I do have more than 31 friends. I generally don't post on the Gamespot boards, but responded earlier about the lack of Crysis, UT2007, and Haze.
Haze>Halo 3 Anyway, the GTA series started on PC. I haven't been following GTA 4 at all, but it stands to reason that it would be on the PC as well. Given that with the GFW push, you'll be able to use a 360 controller, why would you swap from PC to the 360? Btw, for those comparing the cost of the 360 to the cost of the PS3, you forgot to factor in the cost of your 360 exploding. My 360 exploded, and 29/31 friends of mine who have/had 360s have had serious enough issues where the 360 has exploded, or broken down entirely (beyond repair). The other two just got 360s for Xmas. That also fails to account for those of my friends who got their 360s replaced, and had issues w/the replacements w/in a week (b/c they're just refurbished lemons). Wii, PC, and GFW FTW!
The lack of Crysis is odd. The lack of C&C 3 doesn't surprise me given that SupCom would be mentioned before C&C 3 (though being a part of the SupCom beta, having played EALA's more recent RTS games such as C&C Generals, and having read a lot of interviews and articles on C&C 3, Company of Heroes will continue to reign supreme over both those two newcomers, and there's also always the new entry into the DoW series coming in 2007 that Relic has kept under lids- I'm expecting DoW 2 w/the Essence Engine, which would be enough to own even the vaunted Company of Heroes). Nonetheless, how can you mention Halo 3 and not Haze? Haze will easily own Halo 3, and will be on not just the 360, but the PS3 and PC as well. Props for mentioning Enemy Territory: Quake Wars though.
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