I don't mean this to be a flame thread but i just don't understand it lol, i'm not a Microsoft or Sony Fanboi, i don't currently even own a console and don't intend to buy one. However when i hear news from/about Nintendo it's always underwhelming but everyone seems to get excited about it. Does nostalgia play a part in this? I think maybe but tbh all the people who played Nintendo in the glory days must be about 30 by now. When i heard all this news about the "wii" i could smell it's going to be crap from a mile off. The sales show otherwise lol but i can't name one good game you'd call a "classic" or wanna play.
Everyone wanted a better graphical version of Zelda 64 but when it came with TP the game just had no real hype and people played it and were like "oh well" lol. The game just hasn't aged well and nostalgia is a bad thing because it's never as good as you remember. So what games does Nintendo have but some cheap gimmicks to use the controller? Only one i can think of thats hyped is Mario and tbh i don't think it'll do well. The only 3d Mario game that has since is Mario 64 which only done well because it was one of the first 3d platformers. I don't think people will take too well to the whole space thing aswel and i think Mario will show that he's just a bland boring dated character that should stick to 2d or die in the 80's.
The Wii bothers me too...... i don't get why people bought into the hype that atm has just been a waste of money. A crontroller with a bad speaker on it and the gimmick that you can move it to move aroud on screen? Right........ lol. You only have to move the controller in the games a touch, it's just like moving your hand like you do with e normal controller. It doesn't enhance the gameplay and i think it's just a gimmick Nintendo wanted to make just so they could make a cheap console and get everyone to buy it while making a profit.
Then i go onto the DS and altho thats done amazingly well i fail to see why. I just don't see the good games on it or when your going to play them? Nintendogs is a girls game and Mario games are the same thing over and over again, im bored of that. Then Zelda oh it's the same as the last 2d Zelda lol. Then theres loadsa goofey Japanese mini games which suck and some lawyer game...... doctor game. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,........ this handheld sucks and the touch screen is justa gimmick that really doesn;t enchance the gameplay lol.
Maybe it's just me but Nintendo died with the N64 which had some good games for it's time but just totally outplayed by Sony and never recovered. I think they appeal too much for the Japanese market for me and just try to run on cheap gimmicks and nostalgia. They don't try to innovate but rather just stay in the past and all this interact thing with the games was done in the 80's too lol.
I don't just mean to pick on Nintendo though, i think Microsoft Xbox has no good games and the 2 big games Gears of War and Halo are just very overhyped and i thought "same old" and as a PC gamer them games have been done before and better. I also think the Xbox is the blandest outta the consoles and most of the good games i can just buy better on PC anyways lol. I think people are making too much of a big deal over live and theres no way i'd pay money for Live ontop of paying money for the console and the games i want to play on it : Ok if it's for the service ofdownloading demos and **** but not to playt he damn games i just bought online.
I also think (excluding the PS1 cause that console was great) Sony are a bunch of Lying ****s who i believe are the best outta the 3 but still the PS2 was crap apart from GTA and until God of War lol and the PS3........ why would i wanna buy that thing any time soon?
+ Everyones going to be sooo disappointed when Sony show off Killzone 2, it's obvious the game wont look as good as the early trailer so why even bother hyping it.