Heyyo! Thank you for the review... sad to hear Pirana Bytes continues their "legacy" of buggy games... There's not even a demo for Risen 3... Risen 1 & 2 had demos... maybe after the failiure of Risen 2 they're worried about losing sales over a demo??? For me, lack of a demo to make my own decision is a detractor. After reading your review? I'll wait for other Action RPG's... There's no way I'm getting burned by Pirana Bytes again like I did with Gothic 3... community patches still can't fix that broken game.
To be fair, I did enjoy Risen 1. It was buggy... but the gameplay and story was still enough to get me to play it almost until the end... and then enemies started exploiting combat so I uninstalled lol... but I did enjoy it up to that point! :P
ThE_MarD's comments