ThGy007 / Member

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I'm so very conflicted. I just got FFIX in the mail a couple of days ago. I haven't played it much on account of FFX which I'm nearly done with (I have to progress on the Sphere Grid a little more). I've owned the game for a while now but have just recently figured out how not to get stuck (there is no way to get stuck because of the conveniently placed baddies just before the boss.) I figured this out several weeks ago when I decided to restart the game.

Along with Final Fantasy IX and X, I also have IV, VIII, and XII. I'm not playing IV or VIII right now. But yesterday I made the mistake of playing XII till 1:30 last night. I forgot how good the game was, (though I'm sure many would disagree with me on that, that's fine by me.)

Along with all of these I have XIII pre-ordered, though I'm probably going to hold back on going to get it till i've beaten X. This is mainly because I'm conflicted as is and once X is out of the way, the choice will be a little more obvious.

As you can see, I have a hard time finishing my FF games. This may be because I'm lazy and don't want to be bothered with leveling up. This also may be because I have a short attention span. I'm not sure. But I do know I am Conflicted