@HeroicVillian @solidzombie Hell yes this is exactly what I was hoping for, who cares about tech specs when the originality of games are in the dump. I don't know how they could possibly waste more money on the technical aspects of games anyway, I loathe the idea of a new line of systems when the current gen hasn't even been fully utilized. All that would mean is a bunch of tech demos and higher production costs AKA lower originality and expression and more streamlines products from EA and the few corporate w#@res who would be able to afford to make a game on the new systems. I got a Wii and 360 early in the race this gen, and I got a PS3 much later, but even then Sony has easily been my system of choice this gen, I don't get how it's even debatable the PS3 has received the best exclusives, and they've personally proved themselves the most honest this gen just as they proved themselves by far the most impressive the last gen. I'm just glad they made the right move and have decided to stick with the PS3 a while longer, I'll probably get a WiiU now too,let M$oft make a fool of themselves with the Xbox 720, I know I won't be touching it. God I hate Microsoft...
Such a dumb argument or advertisement depending on how you look at it, either way there's no reason for games to be hyperrealistic, just further desensitize people to the actual horror of war that these games just dismiss as a game. Maybe they should be though, to show the actual horror that goes on instead of endless matches of representations of killings with none of the weight of the actual act, but either way it'll still carry the connotations of a "game". Either way, war games suck, such an unimaginative hurtful beat to death genre it's not even funny. I am pretty humorless though :P But really, the only thing we should be realistically killing is these franchises, please just stop. I have a grandfather who was in actual war and saw it's horrors and he would be brought to tears, as he often is on the very topic of war, by the mockery games make of war and bringing these images into the homes and lives of children. The video game industry really does disgust me now as much as all the others
Such a dumb argument or advertisement depending on how you look at it, either way there's no reason for games to be hyperrealistic, just further desensitize people to the actual horror of war that these games just dismiss as a game. Maybe they should be though, to show the actual horror that goes on instead of endless matches of representations of killings with none of the weight of the actual act. Either way, war games suck, such an unimaginative hurtful beat to death genre it's not even funny. I am pretty humorless though :P But really, the only thing we should be realistically killing is these franchises, please just stop
Hate to say it but the consumers made this possible. This direction was evident for a while now, but everyone just keep throwing their money into the pile. I'm backing away from blockbusters for a while now, had it with this ish. The odd game like Journey on the side are more than enough for me, I'll devote my new-found free time to making music. I love you video games, please come back - Longtime gamer with a breaking electronic heart :'(
Lol at the grand theft auto comparison. If they seriously believe people are gonna look at those pictures and believe it really looked that bad on that console then I guess Gamespot really does think gamers are retarted. It looks like they blurred the console pics five times over. All the other comparisons look legit from what I have seen on both PC and consoles, but GTA4 comparison, I mean come on Gamespot. Have a little faith in your followers.
I LOVE BRAID! Jonathan Blow I would like to commend you for your amazing game, best I have play since Shadow of the Colossus, and would like to say it definitely changed my life. In a time where mindless shooters and sports games dominated the industry, this sad gamer was about to hang up his controller for good. Then out of the muck of gaming sprung Braid! A game that truely immerses the senses and deepens your perception on just how amazing games could be. In the final 5 minutes of the game, I realized just how large the potential of gaming is when put in the hands of a creator who cares and that there truely is some hope. Not much. but some. If only even as much as 3 other developers shared your skill and care in creating an immersive and life changing games, the industry would be full of hope.I believe games should change your life too Jonathan, sadly 98% of the industry doesn't share the same ideas.
ThaLootDog's comments