ThaSod / Member

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Mass Effect: Alien Booty

Hmm, there are sure a lot of nubile young things on my ship. Now, I watched all the old Captain Kirk vids as a kid, and he has given me some pointers.

Ashley is the obvious choice as she is human. But I'm not into humans. I like alien girls.


Liara is the most accessible;Asari have a reputation of being a bit, er, slutty. Plus she's pretty hot. But she's also kind of vanilla. And we might actually have a kid which would kill the romance pretty quick. But I'll keep her on the back burner just in case my main crush doesn't work out.

Tali is a super hottie! I know she is a Quarian, and isn't supposed to take off her environment suit because her immune system is weakened from growing up in a sterile environment. But I'm the commander of this ship, I can get them to make a room sterile, can't I? They do decontamination whenever I enter the ship. I'll just take a lot of anti-biotics before I get it on with her.

She also doesn't seem very interested in me, but of course the chase is what fuels my passion! Some day when I can tear her away from the engineering computer I'll ask her how she feels about a little inter-species romance. I hope she says yes!


Commander Shepard, signing out.