@silversix_: Except it'll probably be like 2 years or so before we even know a tiny little bit of it. And yes you can learn a lot from visiting different studios, their workflow, planning, how they use the technology they themselves created, work policies, to name a few. And yes I do know as long as Kojima has the budget he'll make a masterpiece, but he's completely on new ground and need to find the tools that he'll be using and what suits best for the game he has on his mind. In the studios he'll have first hand experience on what the engines is capable of, its weaknesses and how easy it is to work with.
@silversix_: Why would he even bother trying to get noticed, when he's one of the most popular names out there? He most likely went out on that tour to get ideas of the next technology he'll probably be using, after all he lost Fox Engine, and where else is the easiest way to get a first hand experience then at the experts? He probably also want to learn how we in the west handles work conditions for his employees. Not to mention most of the studios he visited is either under Sony or in a close relationship with them, so they might have something to do with it as well.
@omotih: I don't see a reason to argue with you, since your logic is immensely flawed or you're just a terrible troll. Generally what you said is if kids watch or play media with sexualization of women, then the kid will eventually see them as objects, this exact argument can be used with violence as well.
Furthermore poverty and overpopulation is a factor that sprouts criminality, how else are they going to survive where there is no jobs or the pay is too low? There's a reason why these countries has a high crime rate and this is not discrimination poor people, this is facts.
And yes children will be abused regardless of where they live, but this factors back to my previous statement with mental health problems. If a kid is raised in a family filled with violence and abuse the kids will probably grow up and do the same to their kids. It's an evil cycle, but eventually children breaks this cycle and becomes a pattern breaker, they grow up without the social heritage.
This is basic stuff taught in social science and psychiatry.
@omotih: These thing has nothing to do with sexualization of women, but the society they're grown up in. India has huge problems with poverty and overpopulation, thus resulting in people turning to crime as a way of living. This of course results in their carelessness about literally anyone and everything, which leads them to doing as they please, they've got nothing to loose. Considering that first world countries really don't have much of a problem with violence nor rape against women, is telling something. If you think it's a huge problem, then you should probably see a few years back, we're on an all time low and it'll keep falling the more people enters the middle class. People who rape or beat women also usually have mental issues in the first place, which can stem from seclusion, depression or sexual repression, or it might just be the only way they can get off. In either case there's issues with the young adult if he goes out beating people and this problem will most likely NOT stem from sexualization of women from games or what ever else, but problems within the home or in the community he's raised in.
What you're saying is no different than saying that video games makes you violent.
@zeca04: Mind your words young one, the post might be deleted by our overlord moderators who tries to silence our free speech, especially when it's concerning SJW and feminists.
@Byshop: I actually couldn't care less about the objectification and what not. He shouldn't be playing be playing a violent game with his kids. If you think the sexy aspects is a problem, then your priorities are off.
Don't take what I just wrote wrong. I absolutely love violent game and I think they're there to stay, but when playing a fighting game with your kids, sexualization is the least of your concerns. Hell, they'll probably not even notice it.
Tha_Rnar's comments