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Thanos_of_MW Blog

Goodbye to Gamespot

Well guys, it was a nice run and I made some friends here, but I'm leaving Gamespot. I just cancelled my subscription and I won't be frequenting the forums anymore.

Those of you who are my friends will continue to be, as I can still talk to you on XboxLive and the PS3 online service. I'll let you know my reason there, as these blogs aren't as private as you'd think they are. See you all online.

Merry Christmas!

As the title says.  Merry Christmas everyone.  Have fun with your new games and consoles for those of you lucky ones getting presents  :D 

PS3 Turkey Weekend.

Nice that my boss handed my the PS3 just in time for the holiday weekend. That meant I had 4 days to really "burn-in" that PS3 playing Resistance. I read the reviews on the other available games, so I pass. Nothing else that interests me until March '07.

Graphics-wise, Resistance is as good looking as Gears of War IMO. The style is different, but quality is at the same level. Not bad at all for a 1st generation game. What impressed me more is not the graphics, but the physics and AI. Lots of attention to detail. Things never break the same way. And I can say that since I got killed many times on the same spot so I got to try it over and over :oops: The enemies are smart and change tactics, which makes for a challenging game. The levels are just the right lenght, to get addicted to the point of playing "just one more level" before I go to sleep. Yea right... that was a straight game from 8 p.m to 3:30 a.m. that Wednesday night :D

Load times are fast. Didn't notice any difference with the 360. I did notice Resistance installs a 129MB buffer in the HDD. At first I thought it was the save size, but no. Saves are about 130K. My only complaint is the 1080i issue. I do not want to get a new HD set yet. I'm waiting for what technology has to offer next year in the way of SED sets, etc. I was able to play Resistance at 720p on my brother's set and it looks good. Mine only does 480p/1080i, so I was stuck with 480p. It doesn't look bad at all, but my 360 can scale any game to 1080i, so this is something that goes against Sony. Hopefully they'll patch it. I have to say it is a disappointment.

The interface of the PS3 is simplistic. Looks like a PSP. Not that it is a bad thing, but expected more given the processing power in the thing. It is easy to navigate and get used to. One good thing about PS3 is that it will recognize anything you plug into a USB port. I have yet to try playing a PS2 game with my Logitech steering wheel, but this is good. My Gyration wireless keyboard and mouse work perfectly with the interface and the browser. The browser is OK, but doesn't get along well with Gamespot. Can't type a reply or post anything. I guess GS likes us using IE :roll:

The controller feels like an ultra-light version of the dual-shock. After playing for 10 hours straight, doesn't even feel like it is in your hands. I know some people don't like that, but I do. One thing I did notice is that it is easier to aim with the sticks. They feel loose compared to the dual-shock and the 360. R2 and L2 are now triggers, like the 360 controllers. Even after playing for the whole weekend I haven't recharged the unit yet. The meter shows 1 bar down from full, which is not bad considering that was about 20+ hours :D The one thing I found lacking is the fact that the first time the controller needs to be plugged in to the USB port. Bluetooth is supposed to be auto-negotiating, so I don't know why they did that. MS gets some points here for a controller that is 100% wireless.

I like the trayless front loading and the touch areas (not buttons) on the front panel. Being a designer of capacitive switches myself, I like the fact PS3 doesn't use buttons on the console :D The console is also very quiet, which makes it a perfect device for a home theater (which I think was Sony's intention from the beginning). The BD movie "Talladega Nights" shows the detail of the high definition disk (no problems with 1080i here) but I'm not rushing to get anything on BD. Upscaled DVD might not be as crisp as true HD, but is close enough for me. About the finish, the console looks like a high end Bose system. Notice the similarity?

So much for the fanboys who compare it with the GF grill. If anything, GF also copied the design (this system has been around longer). Due to the shape, my PS3 sits on top of my PS2 for the time being. Still using the PS2 since I can't get my hands on the memory card adaptor :evil: Gamestop near my office only got 2 on Friday and they are gone already :evil:

More testing is necessary, once I beat Resistance :D I have yet to try the memory card slots and wireless. I probably won't bother testing the wireless connection anyways, since it is connected to my gigabit, CAT 6 wired connection :D I'm glad I spent part of my last vacation doing the house's multimedia wiring :D BTW, after playing for long hours, PS3 is barely warm to the touch. That giant fan on the bottom really does a good cooling job.

Got my PS3

To say the truth, I wasn't expecting my boss to get my PS3 before next year. I guess he wasn't joking when he said that he knew people at Sony and he could get anything 1/2 price (except PS3). I didn't have to pay for mine anyways, so all is good :D

I wasn't too impressed by the PS3 launch lineup, but Resistance seems the game to get. The reviews are great and some of you already vouch for it, so I have to stop by a Gamestop and pick it up :D

I'm putting my PS3 box in a black garbage bag so I can walk without worrying about getting mugged in New York city. I can't wait to get home, plug it in and give it a run. Thank God is a long holiday weekend and I can give it a good test.

FF XII and NWN 2 rant.

I've spent the weekend playing Neverwinter Nights 2 and Final Fantasy XII. First, I agree with the reviewers for the most part. They are both fun games and deserve the high scores they got.

That said, I have a some issues with both of them. As a big fan of both I can't help to notice things that detract from the experience. I'll start with Neverwinter Nights 2.

I hate the interface and the camera. They should have kept the same they had for NWN 1. You can't explore the world (which is beautifully rendered) without the stupid camera getting in the way. Add to that the cumbersome delay for right clicking (changing the slider doesn't help much) and the whole experience is not immersive at all. The interface should be transparent and the camera shouldn't have to be adjusted every 2 steps. None of the modes are efficient to play.

A shame that a game with an interesting story, excellent graphics (I'd say as good as Oblivion, but with better water :D )and superb sound gets crapped on by an interface and camera that seem to still be in beta. I'll continue playing, since the story got me involved, but I'll have to suffer with the interface. I doubt I'll continue playing it after I'm done with my current character.

Another complaint is the font size. They just couldn't make it any smaller. I have better than 20-20 vision, but this is ridiculous. Funny that my game rig is hooked up to my HDTV and I was planning on playing it there and the game supports 1920x1080, but you can't read the text on screen. Is it too difficult to have a font size setting in the game menu? I wonder, since they have HD support :roll: I had to drag an old monitor next to my HD set to play the game :P End of rant on NWN2.

Final Fantasy XII. Great game. I like it a lot. I normally give a 10 to any and all FF games. This one gets a demerit point for the stupid license system. Where did Squeenix get the idea from? M$ and $ony? I hate seeing the word "license" on every piece of software, games, music, etc I get. Now it comes in gameplay too :P It is not enough to level up. It is not enough to have money (which is very rare in this game... that's another complaint) but you can't use an item until you get a "license". That sucks IMO. Can be compared with level restricted items in other games, but at least you can have them and keep them for later use. The lack of auto-leveling in this area makes the micro-management a pain that detracts from the action. You have to think well in advance what you want your characters to be. Unfortunately the grid system reveals little on what the future options will be, so you can't plan ahead. Result: I ended up using items that may be a little low for my level, so I got my butt kicked a few times for not being able to endure the damage. That's never happened to me in a FF game. I always make sure I level up and buy the best so I can kick my enemies around with impunity. I can live with the lack of money and the fact that you have to sell the few enemy "drops" that happen in-game (just takes longer to make money), but the "license" system just sucks. Having to "buy" 50 extra HP in a grid that doesn't show you a path of upgrades is pathetic and not what you expect in a RPG. At least NWN2 can be patched and fixed :roll:

Still busy, but my opinion on the 360

I am still doing a lot of work.  Added 3 patents to my portfolio this year :D  Can't wait until money from that rolls in :lol:

I got a 360 about 1 1/2 months ago and I don't  regret it.  I was worried because it is a MS product and I hate them for their monopolistic and unfair policies.  That said, they have a great product and they are surely finding the way to grab great titles for their library of games.   I paid the 2 year extended warranty, just in case.

A lot of the shooters can also be found on the PC, so I have the option of buying the version that suits me the most.  I'm more looking forward to the exclusives and action/rpgs heading to the 360.  And no, I won't play Halo.  I think it is overhyped, and I've played better shooters (I'm not playing as many shooters now that I'm getting older anyways---reflexes suck compared to 10 years ago)

As the hardware goes, so far so good.  No problems, except a weird glitch that is being caused by the "intercooler" I bought.  Restarting the 360 fixes it.  I want to keep the intercooler on anyways, since it keeps the 360 very cool to the touch after playing for a whole weekend.  Anyways, that's why I paid the 2 yr. warranty.  Anything goes wrong and I'll have MS replace the system.

MS' microtransactions are evil.  I found myself spending a lot of money buying those little games from the LiveArcade :P  Gotta stop :lol:   Next-gen is becoming expensive :P

I like the console overall.  I had my doubts at the beginning, but they have done their homework this time.  The original Xbox never impressed me.  Graphics are great and they can surely compete with my GeForce 7 and am sure with PS3 as well.  I guess we are reaching a plateau where graphics are not going to get any better for a while, or where differences are going to be very subtle.  As an nVidia exec put it:  the last 15% of visual quality is going to take longer to develop than the first 85%.  And this is the reason why I think graphics (as good as they are) will play second fiddle to the other features this next generation.  Better AI, better physics, etc. must make the noticeable difference.

From the games I have, I must say that some shouldn't be called "next-gen" and certainly don't deserve a higher price tag.  For example, I won't pay $60 for Lego Star Wars for the 360 when the PS2 version is cheaper and all that is better in the 360 is a few particle effects.  Not worth $10 IMO.  Some may argue that you have "Live" support and graphics in HD, but I don't think that is worth extra.  Some people are too hang up on "achievements" and "gamer points".  I play to have fun, so I don't care about them.  Perhaps I'm too "old school" :P

Why did I decide on the 360 now, as opposed to next year, as it was my original plan?  Well, it IS Sony's fault.  I wanted my PS3 first, but before they announced the limited units for launch, I read about the manufacturing problems with the blue lasers.  I figured this would end up in a delay or not enough units for launch.  The announcement made the decision easier.  While doing my monthly food shopping at Costco I found this 360 bundle that just made the decision a no brainer.  PS3 will come when my boss can get me one :P  He's the one buying it for me :lol: 

It is a good time to be a gamer.  Powerful hardware and sophisticated games, and lots of connectivity.  It is cool that I can hookup my MP3 player and cameras to the 360 and being able to display the pictures and play music.  If I don't need to print, it surely beats having to bootup the gaming HTPC, since XP takes waaaay longer to bootup than the 360.

Extremely busy

I've been so busy lately (I thoght work was going to ease down) that I haven't been to the forums much and I haven't been playing much at all.  Between work and my home remodeling projects I've had barely a few hours to play in the last month, mostly my recently upgraded PC (got a GF7 card and 2GB of RAM :D )

On the good side, being busy at work means money is coming in.  At least I'll be ready to get my PS3 when the time comes :D and to get a few games with it. 

Troll Hunter

I'm getting annoyed by trolls again.  This time I've decided to fight back.  I'm a paying Gamespot subscriber, so I won't tolerate this crap, specially from non-paying accounts.

I suggest all my friends here to do the same.  Do not bother to post in a thread like that.  Moderators sometimes frown upon that.  Just report them. 

And if they are being really annoying, report every post from them that has even a hint of trolling.  Actively seek them out in other threads and report other occurrences as well.  We have to get those people banned and out of Gamespot.

Trolls might not see me posting, but I'm reporting :D

Gamespot getting spotty

It is really becoming very annoying with all the glitches in the forums.  Pages linking to the wrong places, not being able to post sometimes, etc.  Are they linking their pages to ad servers?  If that's the case I can see that as the problem.

My office and my home's firewalls both block anything with the word "ad" in the address.  I see it as a problem because I am a paying subscriber, therefore I expect my pages clean of ads or links that contain them. 

My anti-spam software also blocks ads as well and it took a while to train it to work perfect with Gamespot.  If they keep changing the structure of the pages this is going to be a serious issue (as in re-consider paying)

My user forum

I just noticed this feature in Gamespot, so I decided to use it.  I'm keeping this private (friends only) as trolls aren't welcome here :D

I'll post some interesting (technical) stuff as soon as I can.

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