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That-One-Guy Blog

City Champ!

Oh yeah, this happened a while ago, but I won City Champion. Worked out pretty nicely. Maybe next year I can join the Varsity team as a sophmore, but maybe not...


Recently I joined the tennis team, and it's been treating me quite well. I have an 18-0 season, including doubles, and I'm about to play in the tournament. Hopefully I win the City Championship, but I doubt I will. I'm not great, and I think I've gotten lucky in most of my games. But to anyone who's reading this, wish me luck! (I'm going to need it) -That-One-Guy

Guess Who

Guess Who, a movie starring Ashton Kutcher and Bernie Mack, is okay at best. The movie can be funny at some parts, and boring and emotional at others. The movie is a remake of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, a movie starring Katherine Hepburn. You can go see this movie if you're bored or taking a girl, but otherwise I suggest you just rent Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, make some popcorn, and enjoy this classic. Overall, 60%. - That-One-Guy