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ThatDamnMario Blog

Halo 3

So I just jumped back into Halo 3 and downloaded the Heroic DLC. Man was it fun! I invited a friend over to see if he wanted to check out the new maps (His 360 got RRoD and he was waiting for the console to be sent back). So he came over and I put the mode to Rocket Race. Not knowing what this was, we started up a game and ran into a mongoose. We immediately hopped in and started riding around shooting people around Sand Trap. Then we found a trick.

People who have played TF2 will know this trick if they've played as the soldier. Its called Rocket Jumping. Well Sandtrap was one of the best places for it. You would ride around on flat desert and then be prompted to go up a halfpipe. Well right before the back wheels left the ground I (Being the guy riding in the back) Fired behind us...

Needless to say we almost made it to the top of a tower. Since we weren't trying to win, we lost. ANd loaded up another match. This time, we looked at the people playing.. which wasn't enough. This mode is criminally under rated, and I command anyone who reads this to give this game a try with a friend. Warning! If you dont have a friend you will be paired with someone random so try to bring a mic!

Happy Rocketing!