Hello people! Anyway down to business;
Name: ThatGameSpotGuy, which is my GameSpot I.D. / Zachary, is my actual name.
From: Dublin, Republic of Ireland.
Age: I wish for that fact to remain hidden.
Favorite NFL Team: Chicago Bears....
Other Favorite Sports Teams: Major League Baseball -- Boston Red Sox, National Hockey League -- Detriot Red Wings, National Basketball Association -- Boston Celtics......
Consoles you own: PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Adavance SP, PC (.. If that is an actual console..), Super Nintendo 64 and even an Atari 3000.
I.D.'s for online gaming: Xbox 360 GamerTag; ThatXbox360Guy -- "PS3"; ThatGuyOnPSN
Family, music, hobbies, strange fantasies, etc: I wish that fact to remain hidden
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