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The Console War

Maybe it's just me but I prefer to be a gamer than a fanboy drone. I have all three next gen systems which I enjoy to the fullest. Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo all have solid systems with their own pros and cons.

I will be the first to say it from a non biased point of view, console war wise Microsoft is winning. Since the 360 is the oldest of the three systems it has more exclusives, better online play and a wider fanbase. Games like Gears of War, Halo, and Fable make the 360 worth while. This holiday season I doubt there will be alot of 360 sales for the fact that most people have one.

Sony is slowly coming back in the race, people talk trash saying Sony was shafted by Final Fantasy not being a PS3 exclusice but how quick do we forget that Bioshock is now coming to the PS3. Sony's exclusives like Little Big Planet, Socom, and Resistance 2 will be making a splash soon. Not to forget God of War 3, Home and Heavy Rain. Sony just has to remember that they had the most successful video game system to date (the PS2) and what made it successful was not the graphics or extra features but raw, pure gameplay.

The Wii, given to us by Nintendo so this system deserves our respect. Super Smash Bros, Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Kart alone make this system great. With motion sensing controls that really work well the Wii really stepped up to the plate. It brought back Super Mario Bros 3 showing that time has not hurt that ****c game.

Basically What I'm trying to say is that all three are awsome. I just don't understand why people cannot be gamers and insist on being on Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo's whore.