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The-Lich-King Blog

The Offer

Today I went with my parents to town just for a walk. Then I saw at my favorite game shop a cool offer. Buy 2 games and get 1 Free! So why shouldn't I buy some games, although I had good grades at school. I asked my parents if I can buy some games and they said yes. :lol:

The games I bought were Spore (I want to see how it is. It looks quite good and it got an 8 ), FIFA 09 (I just want to see if it's worth playing it, if not I'll give it back to the game shop) and the FREE game, Warhammer Online (I seen the review today. It got 8.5. It really got my eyes. It looks quite good. Finally something that'll make me unaddictive of WoW: TBC for a couple of weeks :))

Also, I boughtThe Witcher Enhanced Edition from another shop. I heard that it's an awesome RPG.

UPDATE: My grandma bought me my favorite Romanian magazine for this month, LEVEL! So, I also got Penumbra: Overture. :lol: I have so many new games now!

Gamespot Reviewed and The New Union

Everyone seen the new look of GS, but did somone review it? Well, I did. What I think about the new GS is that it's quite dissapointing. There are bugs, glitches, crushes etc., just like in a very bad video game. The design is outstanding, but the way the things are put there are outragous. The only problems I have when I am on GS is the typing. It may look the same like the previous one, but if you want to, let's say to change the colour of a word(s). You press Submit and then it says that you commited an error and the whole thing (word(s)) comes back to normal and this thing goes again and again and again. Another thing I observed was that sometimes the More Info button dissapeares. I contacted GS and they didn't reply back. For my patience, the button appreared again. Another thing many observed is that the Rating Games shows only up to 10, although you rated +200 games. There are also many other things, but I can't be bother right now with them.

My conclusion, is that this new GS quite sux in a way, but if you ignore the major problems then is same as the previous one. What I think now is that this new GS is only a BETA version. But, why it doesn't say that?

UPDATE: Below is another error. The link. I can't separate it.

By the way the new union called The Reborn World of Masterpiece PC Games was formed. For more info about it checkhereor contact me. Thank you those who made possible the union to be formed. :D

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky And Crysis: Warhead Reviewed

Sorry lads for not beeing active for like about 3 or 4 days. I've been playing World of Warcraft: The Buring Crusade with my cousin. I'll post a blog on about it later. :lol:

If I came back, I should've came with something, right? ;) Well, I have. Two new reviews.S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and Crysis: Warhead Reviewed. In these reviews I tried to show every strengh and weakness of each game. Please read them carefuly. :lol: Every bit counts.

Crysis Warhead Boxshot

Impressions? Well, yeah from both! Especially from Crysis: Warehad. For those who hated Crysis and/or Crysis: Warhead, then read my review. It took me 2 days to write it. I hope I included everything. Plus, the game is looked through both sides, good and bad. So don't tell me that I was on the good side rather than bad side and viceversa.:roll:

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Image 1[video=6197994][video=6197993]

Crysis: Warhead Review


About S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky now. Not bad at all. But I have to agree that it's buggy and glitchy. But......wait don't say anything yet.....installing the patch, it solved most of the bugs and glitches. :lol:I like the game. It's so good and the atmoshere is so dull (in a good way)!:shock:Check my review for more info. ;)

Image 1
Image 1[video=6196763][video=6196762]S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky Review
Please comment and rate them. :)

Gorillaz Start Work On Third Album


In an interview given to the website of Canada's state news broadcaster cbcnews Gorillaz co-creators have announced that they have begun work on a new Gorillaz album.

Unlike Monkey and Carousel which the pair have also referred to as 'Gorillaz' projects, this new album will be accompanied by visuals and art featuring 'those characters' (the Gorillaz bandmembers), although Jamie states "I'm gonna adapt them".

The pair indicate in the interview that the decision to make another Gorillaz album (in the sense of a Gorillaz band album) only came about after they returned from their summer vacations and that much about the album and its promotion remain to be decided.

Their record company EMI were ecstatic at being told the news that Gorillaz would be returning.

The relevant extracts from the interview are the following:

Q: What's next for you? DA: We're doing another Gorillaz record. We came back from summer holidays and realized we could do exactly what we wanted to do with Gorillaz. Essentially, Jamie just had to agree to draw the characters again. 'Cause I just do what I do anyway. JH: I'm so **** bored of drawing those characters. But then we had a moment where we had a new angle on it. DA: Well, you won't be bored of drawing them again. JH: I'm gonna adapt them. "

Q: Seriously, what are you guys planning to do to make Gorillaz exciting again? JH: We really can't say what we're doing next. We just started. You're only the second person we've told that Gorillaz is making an album, actually. We were instructed to keep it a secret. When we told the record company, they went "Woohoo!" – you could hear them shouting in the background – and then said, "Don't tell anybody!"

UPDATED:The details of the newGorillazalbum have become apparent. The projected release date for the new album (As yet untitled) is March 21.

Retailers online have confirmed this as the release date, with a single preceding the new album on March 7.

Danger Mouseis the producer of the new album and is currently working with Damon Albarn on finishing it. Gorillaz former producer, Dan The Automator, was unable to find time to record with Albarn.

Rumours are circulating that the Gorillaz official website will be relaunched on Dec 8 with the new album details and information on possible new cartoon characters for the new project.


Feel Good Inc.

Dirty Harry

Clint Eastwood

Tommorow Comes Today

Rock The House


Gorillaz Crib

Me And My Cousin - The Brick Clan

Wow! Already finished? I played Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne DotA maps for 3 whole days with my favorite cousin, Marin! ;) We won and lost, but we stayed altogether. Like cousins :lol:. Marin played DotA maps for about 3 years. Me? 1 year :P. Don't worry, I am not a noob. I almost equaled Marin. So, our strategy is quite simple during the game. Stay united, stay alive!

He plays most of the time with the Sniper or Ursa (the bear). He is very skilled and he is not a noob. I, obviously, play with The Lich King (Abaddon). I played also with Arthas (Omni Knight), but I found out that I am better with Abadon. :P My favorite skill is Death Coil. It heals allies or damages foes. Quite useful! :lol:


Together we are almost unstopable. With my powers of regeneration from Abaddon and the slowing down skills/range from my cousin = almost unstopable. I know that are better ways or strategies, but this one suits us. :P

Together with no name? Well, we have a name. It's called The Brick Clan. Why brick? Well, we are unseparated. We always stick together. :lol:

If you wan to meet us and battle, you can find us on Garena. My name is mirceacalas and his is KillThemAll0. See you there!


P.S.: Speaking like The Lich King is quite boring sometimes, yeah!:lol: So I'll stop talking like that for a while.

Two Of The 13 Items Are Already Mine

Winter comes soo this year. As my father told me, winter means one thing, the darkness is feeding with power. Although I am powerful enough to crush my foes, I still have to make sure they don't find my weakness, if I have one. If you read my last blog, you should know by now for what I am looking for. The 13 ultimate items. Yes, lads! I found two of them! The S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and Crysis Warhead items. I feel already my powers growing. Still, I have 11 to find now. It may take months, but am not really in a rush. Although I am The-Lich-King! For those who are in my side, I'll let them see how the item looks like.


So far, this item really satisfies me. Soon enough I'll tell what it's capable of.

UPDATED:Also, I found Crysis Warhead. This item is incredible!


Plus, for more power, I borrowed an old item from a friend called Fallout 2. I just only want to see what's capable of because I never used before a Fallout item. It's awesome by the way! Only the graphics are quite bad. But it's ok.


The-Lich-King's Wanted List

As a king, I must be strong. I don't have to look weak to my mortal enemies. My powers are increasing by each second. Although, I know that's not enough. There are many ways to defeat me. But there are also ways to prevent that. All I want are the following things for the ultimate power :

-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky

-GTA 4

-Bully: Scholarship Edition

-Crysis Warehead

-Far Cry 2

-Project Origin

-WoW: Wrath of the Lich King

-Starcraft 2

-Mafia 2

-Tom Clancy's End War

-Diablo 3

-Call of Duty: World at War

-Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3

An Epic Battle

The Chronicles of The Lich King

Dear diary,

It' me, The Lich King. Today I went to the lands of Felwood assisted by my cousin, Killtheall0 and my Scourge army in a mission. I haven't seen my cousin from a long time. That was when I was still a goodie. Although, my cousin is a Paladin and works for the Alliance, but somehow he seemed interested in what I was doing. So, like good cousins we were, we teamed up. I didn't quite liked staying with a warrior of light, but he was my cousin. My mission was to find some heroes, who once beat me. Then I was glad to escape, although now I am much stronger than before. So, what else could I do than having a sweet revenge on them. I send them each a letter, inviting them at some point on the lands of Felwood. That was the best place for revenge!

The time pasted and they didn't arrive. The place got colder. I could feel the power in me getting bigger by each second. They were scared. They were scared of me. What cowards they are! They knew that I was stronger. At some point when me and my cousin were ready to leave the lands, something happened. The Sentinels! One by one came towards us. Somehow I felt happy and disappointed in same time. Disappointed because the heroes who once beat me didn't come and happy, because I would crush them one by one. Then, I took my faithful sword, Frostmoure, and stepped in the battle. There were many Sentinels. So many, that I couldn't even count them. My army seemed doing well crushing them. Also my cousin.

After days, the battle finally ended. We won, I've won! We crushed them like some insects. But, after then, the heroes arrived at last. They were cowards. They let the Sentinels do all their dirty job and then come and meet me and I was weaker than before because of the battle. What cowards! I took my sword and ran toward them.

Finally, I had my revenge. All were dead! I won. Unfortunately, there was a cost because of my action. My cousin got killed by one of them. I was feeling quite sad, but that made me more stronger. He was a good cousin. But, there was a way to bring him back again. A way which he might not like. I could take his soul and put it in a body corrupted by the dark, like me. That meant that he wouldn't be anymore a Paladin and loyal for the Alliance. It would be a Death Knight loyal for the Scourge. I had to do it! He would understand.

So, I left Felwood going toward Azeroth, in Northrend. That was the place were I could bring him back. The only thing that was in my mind was, why a warrior of light, although he was my cousin, teamed up with the dark side? Did he had fragments of darkness in him?

The Lich King

Based on: Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne via (Map: DotA Allstars 6.54b)

The New Adventure Is About To Begin

-How time flies by!-

Many things had changed at Gamespot during my absence. The background, the data, the reviews, the previews and the list continues. :P Actually, I quite like the new face look of GS than the old one. Quite nice I would say!


Well, many of you wonder why a new adventure is about to start for me. :roll:Well, after beeing a trusted, loved and loyal user here, at Gamespot or how other call it GS, I got banned. I won't tell you why because it would make me remember what I did and you don't want to see me furious. So, after a long break since I was banner, I said to myself "Oh right then! I'll start everything again, although I have a lot to recover. But if GS got a new lookand look, why don't I too?" So, for those who know me by the name of mircea_calarasu, then you would see a new me! Didn't you get it, right? OK, I'll be different from last time. I'll write things (i.e.: review, previews etc.) in a different s-t-y-l-e and so on. So, this is only the beginning the adventure. Now see? DO YOU?!:?

-Where's a good place to chat and be welcome?-

By the way, you'll always be welcome here. So, if you want chat with someone because your friend "X" went outside, on a rainy day to play football for his football trial, then this is a good place to chat. To chat, simply comment on this blog. ;)

-Let's Have A Minute Quite For TheWorld of Masterpiece PC Games Union-

For those who are members of the union or know about it, well....this thing is dead! Sorry to dissapoint most of you, but the union got messy and I don't have time to recover it because I have other more important things to recover like reviews etc. So, stop going there. The union is DEAD! Sorry! :(

-A New King, A New Union?-

Of course, until I'll reach the required level to form a union, I'll form one for those who were members of WOMPGU (World of Masterpiece PC Games Union). It will be only about PC games (of course) and this time it will be much better and bigger than the old one. I have so many new ideas for this new union. So, stay tune for more info! The name of the union is "The Scourge Army Union" (working title). Don't like the title (it's not the official one), then post a comment of how should I call it. By the way, I want (the title) to be associated with Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne/WoW: The Wrath of The Lich King. That's ok if you don't want that! ;)