The Chronicles of The Lich King
Dear diary,
It' me, The Lich King. Today I went to the lands of Felwood assisted by my cousin, Killtheall0 and my Scourge army in a mission. I haven't seen my cousin from a long time. That was when I was still a goodie. Although, my cousin is a Paladin and works for the Alliance, but somehow he seemed interested in what I was doing. So, like good cousins we were, we teamed up. I didn't quite liked staying with a warrior of light, but he was my cousin. My mission was to find some heroes, who once beat me. Then I was glad to escape, although now I am much stronger than before. So, what else could I do than having a sweet revenge on them. I send them each a letter, inviting them at some point on the lands of Felwood. That was the best place for revenge!
The time pasted and they didn't arrive. The place got colder. I could feel the power in me getting bigger by each second. They were scared. They were scared of me. What cowards they are! They knew that I was stronger. At some point when me and my cousin were ready to leave the lands, something happened. The Sentinels! One by one came towards us. Somehow I felt happy and disappointed in same time. Disappointed because the heroes who once beat me didn't come and happy, because I would crush them one by one. Then, I took my faithful sword, Frostmoure, and stepped in the battle. There were many Sentinels. So many, that I couldn't even count them. My army seemed doing well crushing them. Also my cousin.
After days, the battle finally ended. We won, I've won! We crushed them like some insects. But, after then, the heroes arrived at last. They were cowards. They let the Sentinels do all their dirty job and then come and meet me and I was weaker than before because of the battle. What cowards! I took my sword and ran toward them.
Finally, I had my revenge. All were dead! I won. Unfortunately, there was a cost because of my action. My cousin got killed by one of them. I was feeling quite sad, but that made me more stronger. He was a good cousin. But, there was a way to bring him back again. A way which he might not like. I could take his soul and put it in a body corrupted by the dark, like me. That meant that he wouldn't be anymore a Paladin and loyal for the Alliance. It would be a Death Knight loyal for the Scourge. I had to do it! He would understand.
So, I left Felwood going toward Azeroth, in Northrend. That was the place were I could bring him back. The only thing that was in my mind was, why a warrior of light, although he was my cousin, teamed up with the dark side? Did he had fragments of darkness in him?
The Lich King
Based on: Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne via (Map: DotA Allstars 6.54b)