-How time flies by!-
Many things had changed at Gamespot during my absence. The background, the data, the reviews, the previews and the list continues. :P Actually, I quite like the new face look of GS than the old one. Quite nice I would say!
Well, many of you wonder why a new adventure is about to start for me. :roll:Well, after beeing a trusted, loved and loyal user here, at Gamespot or how other call it GS, I got banned. I won't tell you why because it would make me remember what I did and you don't want to see me furious. So, after a long break since I was banner, I said to myself "Oh right then! I'll start everything again, although I have a lot to recover. But if GS got a new lookand look, why don't I too?" So, for those who know me by the name of mircea_calarasu, then you would see a new me! Didn't you get it, right? OK, I'll be different from last time. I'll write things (i.e.: review, previews etc.) in a different s-t-y-l-e and so on. So, this is only the beginning the adventure. Now see? DO YOU?!:?
-Where's a good place to chat and be welcome?-
By the way, you'll always be welcome here. So, if you want chat with someone because your friend "X" went outside, on a rainy day to play football for his football trial, then this is a good place to chat. To chat, simply comment on this blog. ;)
-Let's Have A Minute Quite For TheWorld of Masterpiece PC Games Union-
For those who are members of the union or know about it, well....this thing is dead! Sorry to dissapoint most of you, but the union got messy and I don't have time to recover it because I have other more important things to recover like reviews etc. So, stop going there. The union is DEAD! Sorry! :(
-A New King, A New Union?-
Of course, until I'll reach the required level to form a union, I'll form one for those who were members of WOMPGU (World of Masterpiece PC Games Union). It will be only about PC games (of course) and this time it will be much better and bigger than the old one. I have so many new ideas for this new union. So, stay tune for more info! The name of the union is "The Scourge Army Union" (working title). Don't like the title (it's not the official one), then post a comment of how should I call it. By the way, I want (the title) to be associated with Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne/WoW: The Wrath of The Lich King. That's ok if you don't want that! ;)