It can save you lots of cash. I write this at a time I myself have about none, and thankfully more then enough games to hold me over for now, check out my now playing list. if you'd like.
I figured I would open it up for some discussion. Look at the slew of new titles and games coming out these days, who has time to keep up!? Certainly not me. I'm not blaming anyone but I am legitimately wondering who in their right mind DOES have time to get through these games as fast as they are being released these days, AND furthermore how to you get to and through them without revisiting your old favorites all the time?
My current Dillema is that I'm stuck in a pickle between old favorite games like Fallout3, Oblivion, and Shadowrun for 360 then stuff like Double Dragon and Castlevania for the NES, and thats not to mention a little nazi zombies every once in awhile and meanwhile theres newer games like Casltevania Lords of shadow and Red Dead Redemption, that I'm also dying to play, but with a full time job and a girlfriend there isnt much time left in between for all that.
Now, put on top of that the slew of good games coming out early 2011, Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm, Brink, and others then perhaps you start to feel my pain a little. Plus, theres the titles I haven't gotten around to from last year yet like Mass Effect 2, and Fallout New Vegas.
So, my take on the "state of the union" for video games is, no need to buy all the hot new titles, but maybe just a few sparingly here n there, while i catch up on the titles from last year. Then by the time i get to the new stuff for this year it will be reasonabbly priced as well.
The only brand new titles I'm interested in are ones that are going to have good multi-player support or be soley multi-player like Brink. Those ones always tend to suffer a little if you get into them late, but otherwise there is no reason I shouldn't play some old games to hold me over till the new ones are more affordable am I right?
Looking back into the history of games, and getting ones that appeal to you from just a year or two ago is one way to save a HUGE junk of change, and my little golden gem of advice if your poor as hell like me.
P.S Even if I buy games when they are slightly older, I still buy them "New" as opposed to used whenever possible to still help support the developers as best I can.