Good Day Gamespot.
After reading through the "Rate My Rig" thread and running 3DMark06 I only received 1290. So, as a result, I need an upgrade (As if Bioshock at 800x600 Low/Mid didn't tell me that; despite having a 1024x768 monitor.) and GPU seems to be the biggest factor in Gaming enhancement.
Currently, I am running an Intel Core 2 Duo 6300 @ 1.86GHz, ATI Radeon X1300 256mb, and 1Gb of RAM.
I am on a tight budget, £125 (~$204), with £150 (~$244) at definite maximum. I need a new GPU and was wondering what a good one to go for is? I currently have my eye on a Radeon HD 4850 for £115, but if there are better ones at a better price please let me know.
I play all kinds of games; Oblivion, Left 4 Dead (And Other Source Games), Bioshock, Considering rejoining WoW, and would like Crysis and S.T.A.L.K.E.R:CS but have serious trouble running games like that.
Any other questions, please ask, I will try to help as much as possible.
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