I knew somthing odd was going to happen today! Today at about 2pm I found a small child approximately 5 years old standing outside of my front yard staring at my dog, just imagine a black german shepard and you get the idea of what he looks like, the kid was standing there perfectly still staring at my dog... My dog had his fur up and was about to start growling at the kid... he has had problems with kids since a bunch of them attacked him, but he usually just barks once or twice and then runs off. Eventually the kid crouched down out of site and I couldn't tell what he was doing. I rushed over and grabbed my dog by the collar to make sure he didn't rush the gate and possibly jump it to get at the kid. I caught a glimpse of the kid through the gate and yelled out for him to leave before he scarred the dog, I asked politely not wanting to scare the kid. The kid stood up, made eye contact with me for a few seconds and then began to walk down the road where he was then picked up by another small child on a dirt bike! How does a kid just over a foot tall get a dirt bike?! It was one of those tiny 50cc bikes by the way... Now to clerify this: where I live we have a problems involving drug dealers, crime, prostitutes & several stray pitbulls... so why the hell was a young child out on the street alone?! Hell, I'm afraid to walk the streets some times! Me & my cousin then spent the next 30 minutes laughing at how strange the scene of the kid was.
Now the second thing: Late tonight after downloading a rather hard to find file (Im a software pirate BTW) I caught site of somthing odd, one of the files was acting wierd... not respoding to me but functioning on its own, guess what? I caught a spy on my computer! The spy was moving and sorting through my files looking for somthing, most likely a system file to destroy! So in a decisive move I ripped out my internet connection and all his connections to my computer were severed, I then erased his sortware on my computer using my own hacking/spy stuff and fixed the damage he had done, nothing major, but still annoying. For a few moments I had quite a scare... No spy's going to destroy my computer... I'm trying to build a rep here! This was one hell of a crazy day!