If for some reason you still haven't figured out your issue, just system reboot and it will re-route you and it will be fixed. TAAAADAAA!
TheAcejoel99's forum posts
Just curious. I am really enjoying mine and wanted to see what the GS community thought of the little device. I have had mine for awhile now (from kickstarter), so I would also be happy to answer any burning questions.
 I do! For the $129 I invested on kickstarter (I got an extra controller) Iam infinately happy with my little silver rubics cube sized machine. I reccommend shadowgun, stalagflight, super crate box, hidden in plain sight, and also saturday morning RPG if you get 80's/early 90's pop culture references. I have a few brief reviews of games up on my profile page. Hit me up if you want a game reviewed or an opinion on anything ouya games or otherwise!
4GB= If ALL you plan on saving are game saves (no Downloadable games).
8GB= Some small games and saves is all.
16GB= Buys alot of DL games and saves/plays ALOT of games.
32GB= Plan on downloading FULL Vita games, DL games and play a ton of games.
Goodluck. Peace.
There are no extra precautions interally that prevent it from over-heating, but it is alot smaller, so it naturally disperses heat better. And if your xbox is about to RROD (which is still CAN) the xbox will shut itself off (even if you don't want it to). So no, the slims don't over-heat as easy as the xbox phat.
If you care about rankings than wait for Resistance 3 since its hard to find a ranked match now-a-days, but there are still hundreds of player-matches being played every day and thousands of active users. Its a lively online comunity and can vouch for the insane value of this game. Buy it for the excellent and lengthy single-player than stay for the RPG like co-op with an addictive 60 player competetive VS modes.
Score seems right by the look of things. If it had visuals that were of wii quality instead of being a DS game visualy it would deserve a 9.0 and than if it had online 4 player (which is REDICULOUS!!!! that it DOSEN'T!!!!) than it would get a 9.5 It has neither of those. Oh and it should have been a $20 game on wii-ware. Even after me complaining, Im still going to buy it. Mario in 2D is always fun.
the day that I can no longer go and pick up a actual game disc is the dayI stop playing video-games.
uncharted is one of the longest shooters in a long time. 12 or so hours is quite long for a shooter. Killzone 2 was like 8 hours, Halo 3 was about 8 also, COD4 was like 3 hours long. And also there is a TON of content in uncharted 2. Long (and extremely re-playable) single-player with 100 treasures to find, 11 maps online with a half-dozen modes and co-op missions separate from single-player also there is a horde-mode rip-off. Hundreds of hours of content. Buy it!!!!!!
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