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Again, time passes in an all to exstatic manner....

Its saturday night, and for the third in a row, I cannot believe how quickly time has passed in July. I know its more than likely just because I'm a teenager and summer should never end, but i dont think so. I seem to have come to the conclusion that its all in my head....or my schedual. Time passes normally, but since i want it to go slowly, it seems to go faster, if that makes any sense at all. So i have decided to go about everything normally, and let whatever happens happen, since of course, i cant control it anyway. I'm a passenger on the hectic, broken, out of control, death trap rollercoaster of life. And somehow, thankfully, I'm okay with that.

As usual, i have nothing left to report, but cannot decide if that's a bad thing. I want to write about the whole Jack-off Thompson, HIllary Man-Penis Clinton thing, but i dont have to. Its such an exausted subject, and you can all make a pretty good guess on how i feel about it. truth is, I'm tired of talking about it, as I'm sure everyone else is. Its just another rediculous situation, thesame one we've seen a million times. It'll blow over like everything else, and Hillary will go back to catching Bill in bed with hookers, and poor old Jack will go back to masturbating constantly and crying about how small his penis is. Which is, of course, probobly why he's doing this, and any other amount of trouble he's caused people who dont need it on the course of his pathetic so called, "career:"

Happy Fragging, and remember what TheAdministrato says, "God help us all if Hillary is elected in '08.....wait....thats not advice.....who cares HILARY SUCKS!!!!!"