Its nice to know that when your feeling down you'l always have you buddies at GS to back you up:|.......Like the mods who mod you for insulting a game they like.....
Anywho to anyone who "didnt" read my first entry, sorry it was so long. I figured the first should be the best. Tommorow I drive back home to Jersey for the weekend, then back to My dad's connecticut on monday. So I'll get a chance to play my new copy of Bros. In Arms and hook up my XBL connection. What I cant believe is how expensive these headsets are. Damn! 30 bucks for a headset. I could get 2 Logitech USB's for that much. Its friggin insane! But its Microsoft so i guess that the headset is just 1 more of the hundreds of ways they rip off there loyal customers in an attempt to turn even the slightest of profit. But ig uess you get what you pay for quality stuff......:|
Does anyone else think that some companies might be purposly making stuff bad. But only things that can be bought by one company and are a necessity. Like XBL headsets i guess. That way people have to buy them a bunch of times......Meh GS needs a conspiracy forum....i cant keep putting this stuff in here.....
So thats enough for now. For the rest of today i'm just gonna be strumming my guitar and eating sunflower seeds, so i hope all you bastards have as good a day as me:D
Remember what TheAdministrato says, " IF someones giving you crap online, find out where they live and stalk them Keanu Reeves style."