Please excuse typos...its late...
Its almost midnight on July 6th 2005. I'm tired and pissed, which is not unusual for me around this time of day. I've been putting off going to the bathroom for over an hour. I just bought Brothers in Arms, but cannot play it. I'm at my dads and my xbox is 190 miles away. In case you dont know, I am a near psychotic xbox fanboy who is pissed becuase the guy at EB wont sell him the huge HALO 2 poster they had hanging from the ceiling. I chatted with a nintendo fanboy today who i had met on the forums, and as usual, before i had said anything about xbox or gamecube, he sarted trashing xbox bad. "360 sucks ass, revolution rules, your stupid for liking xbox so much." keep in mind these are direct came to my realization, that no matter what, these poeple have a constant and enourmous urge to defend themselves. like the always have something to prove. its like a twisted form of Napoleon Complex, they feel they have to stand up for Nintendo whenever they come in contact with anyone who isnt one of their own, even if that person is a "casual gamer." I use that term loosely, mostly becuase i think its stupid. We're all casual. Do you wear a suit when you play CS? Neither do I. I think at least they should change the term. But I suppose it works fine or else they would have changed it by now. Anyway, I have always hated these Nintendo fanboys, simply because MOST OF THEM are little, anoying, geeky looking, kleenex sucking, online college using, honda driving, customer service representative Morons who wouldnt know a game if it came up and stole their skittles. My foremost apologies to those of you are are nintendo fanboys, but are still fair and logical poeple. You I like. Anyway I calmly told this kid to "Suck it" and cut the chat off short. for those of you who feel this was an interesting way to start off a journal, I agree, but it was what was on my mind. if you want to know smething stupid like "what my favorite game is" check my profile.
I came to a sick revalation today about game publishers. After reading numerous reviews for "Killer 7" it hit me like a ton of bricks. You see, I rememeber seeing the first pictures and previews for "Killer 7" 2 years ago, which isnt uncommon. But then, there was nothing. Some scattered talk and some screen shots, but nothing else. I had forgetten all about it until i read the review in the july Issue if Game Informer, which refreshed my memory a little. I got excited and looked up other reviews. I thought nothing of the mediocre review GI gave it. i wanted to check the others before made a final decision. Well much to my surprise, no one else had liked the game very mch either. I shrugged my shoulders and told myself that this kind of thing happens all the time, which it does, but thats when it hit me. Publishers, care no more about the quaity of games than the care about their poor mothers they stuck in third rate nursing homes. Mostly in part, becuase more often than not, most games that recieve hype turn out to be very sub standard or avergage games. Now I thought about how that could be becuase after a game is hyped up to be this sick a$$ peice of software, even if it is a great game, it is not what poeple expected(ie halo 2, Fable, etc, etc). This sort of thing happens alot, this much is true, but what I mean is that a game like Killer 7, which recieved little to no hype at all, still turned out to be a substandard game, despite the good previews 2 years earlier. What i think is happening, is that sometime around, lets say 3 years ago for lack of a specific date, Publishers realized that people settled, very well in fact, for substandard games as long as they were marketed well enough. And of course, why spend more money on developers to make better games when you can pay much less for them to make crappy games and still make poeple happy and turn a profit. The thing is, even today we are still buying these games despite their bad quality, just becuase they were hyped so much. Lets lookn at an easy example. HALO 2. now before we continue I must say I am a huge halo fanboy and loved the game, still do. Anywho, look how many poeple were absolutely dissapointed with this game. I mean really truely disliked it. However it was one of the most hyped and anticipated games of all time. Taking into acount of course the success of halo 1. And, ignoring the reviews which stated the game was clearly not "up to the hype" poeple flocked to the stores and bought somehting arund 80 million copies of it. Now you could argue and say the problem is the hyping, and you very well may be right. maybe we should stop hyping games. But i think that developers and their publishers should start living up to the hype and delivering what they promise.
So in conclusion, its late and I want to post this before it is offically thursday. happy fragging gamers and remeber what TheAdministrato always says, "If you want it now, buy it now, fu$# saving money."