Well, we've all read or heard about it sometime or another (I myself already knew about this for months after receiving the Tabula Rasa newsletter for Operation Immortality). Richard "Lord British" Garriott has achieved the fine accomplishment of being one of the few lucky civilians to see our fair planet from the stars. It cost him 30 million dollars. :o
He is to dock with the International Space Station... tomorrow, on Tuesday. Along with him is a hard drive which he plans to store on the ISS with the digitalized DNA of various people, including Stephen Hawkings, and a few dozen lucky winners of Operation Immortality, which, in case humanity makes a falling point in evolution, we can use the DNA to clone ourselves back into existence (interestingly, if we have cloning worked out by the time that happens). Garriott's father himself was also an astronaut and he now holds the record for following in his father's footsteps.
Second star to the right and straight on 'till morning, Lord British.
Controversies - Questions from the Users
1. Why the hell did he blow 30 million dollars on that when he could have donated it to charity or used it to make his games better?
That is a question that no one really has the answer to. It's his money. You can whine and rant and cry about it all you want, but what he did was what he chose to do. But then think about it, if you had 30 million on you, and a few many chances to use it, what would you use it on? Charity's not going anywhere.
2. Who cares?
Other than the fact that this is possibly a turning point in history (possibly), and that the little hard drive might have bigger uses other than collecting space dust. That is, we all (could) face an apocalypse and humanity might be pushed to the brink of extinction. You never know when it comes, right?
3. This guy isn't even a key player in the gaming industry.
Not true. I'll explain it all in one sentence: Founder of the modern RPG. Even JRPGs got their start from Garriott's influences. The whole idea of the RPG came from him. Without him, we wouldn't even have any of those RPGs today.