[QUOTE="TheCommoner"][QUOTE="BossPerson"]Better than being a racist hipster... Where were all these so called "true liberals" during Clinton who was far more right wing? No. Clinton knew that he actually had to work with the GOP to get things done. He did that very well. Obama is making Jimmy Carter look great. Nah, President Obama is going to get reelected and break Clinton being the only Dem in many years to be reelected. President Obama is far more liberal and a better President than Clinton was.The Obama shoe lickers are strong here....
TheCommoner's forum posts
[QUOTE="TheCommoner"]Censor bypassing? Goobye... Anyways Bill Clinton who is basically a traitor to liberalism gets praised by everyone as a good President when he was terrible (just not as bad as Bush). coolbeans90
By centrists, you rambling fvckwit. Do you even think?
Keep bypassing the censor... Clinton was right wing... Farther right than President Obama and is responsible for the Defense of Marriage act, and other right wing crap such as derregulation.[QUOTE="TheCommoner"]Oh booo hoo, meth should never be legalized...Our government's war on drugs is justified... Other than maybe the prosecution for marijuana... Cigarettes and Alcohol should be banned before Marijuana. l4dak47What do you consider a drug to be a drug? It is not drugs... It is the danger to the human race we must prevent. Soda, junk food, alcohol, etc. should be purged for the betterment of society.
[QUOTE="TheCommoner"][QUOTE="BossPerson"] Better than being a racist hipster... Where were all these so called "true liberals" during Clinton who was far more right wing?coolbeans90
You have to be fvcking sh!tting me if you think they were cool with his policies.
Calling it: Trololololololol
Censor bypassing? Goobye... Anyways Bill Clinton who is basically a traitor to liberalism gets praised by everyone as a good President when he was terrible (just not as bad as Bush).Banjo?NEWMAHAYUmmmm wtf?
I know your an alt, but your making a mountain out of a mole hill....ShadowMoses900I am not in anyway what so ever an alt... Stop claiming that I am one.
lmao. Typical angry liberal whos biggest issues are gay rights and abortion. Obama and Romney are very similar. both are big government, big spending idiots who are completely bought out by the corporations. mingmao3046Shut your mouth, President Obama is trying his best to save this country from the near collapse and you are comparing him to a man who embodies "corporations are people" "I like to fire people", Romney will burn this country to the ground if elected with his policies... Abortion and equality are issues but not all that is at stake... Romney could get us destroyed... You know how much he is hated by even our ally, the UK??? We could have a second revolutionary war but with Nukes this time.
[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="kingkong0124"]No one who supports Romney is aware of anything. neither is anyone who supports obama... Shut up, you should not be allowed to post your filth without being modded... President Obama's supporters are unaware, why??? Because they do not have a burning hatred of the LGBT community? Because they do not want to force women to have babies they do not want???? Because they do believe in the evolution rather than some fiction character?Horrible. If anything, this girl should be applauded for being politically aware. Most high school kids don't give 2 sh*ts about politics.
Better than being a racist hipster... Where were all these so called "true liberals" during Clinton who was far more right wing?The Obama shoe lickers are strong here....
[QUOTE="TheCommoner"][QUOTE="l4dak47"]Make your choice. Pepsi or coke. l4dak47Do you even know of what President Obama has accomplished... You are being very unfair to him, he is not superman but voting in Romney would bring our nation to a collapse. I don't care what he's accomplished, but rather what he hasn't. Failed to close down Guantanamo bay, ramped up the raids on medical marijuana dispensaries, expanded/extended the patriot act, signed into NDAA, and increased drone attacks. Shut up, Just shut up... Are you a Paulbot or working for Romney trying to decrease voter turnout. If you are a self respecting liberal and not a whiny 12 year old who did not get exactly what he/she wanted you will vote for President Obama. You are aware Republican congress Prevent alot of what President Obama was going to do. Blame them, not the President. Yeah President Obama did drone strikes because he does not want to use and kill American soldiers but risk a robot's life... Blame the terrorists for being cowards and scum.
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