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April 1st Hoilday Item Suggestions

Once again I posted a few more ideas for Jagex to look over and these I am REALLY hoping get used just cause I love Hoilday events and the items that are obtainted from them :) so please give feedback here is what I posted on the Forum:

Hey I was hoping that maybe for once on April First how useally there is a event but there is never a emote or Item for this events:( I was hoping that maybe for once we can get some kind of small token to keep I made a list of a few ideas, not perfect ones but still none the less its ideas:

'Cabbage Head'- during the event (whatever it may be) maybe have it so you can use a knife on cabbage and cut the bottom off it and make it a Cabbage Head witch would be some kind of hat or mask after cutting it you can then get it from Diango in Draynor Village if you lose it or destory it.

Prime Cabbage- not sure how this will exactly work but having like last year where you can hold the cabbage and throw to friends only diffrence is when you throw it to them it will atoumaticly be marked as a lent item until Log out OR thrown back. you can not eat this cabbage only wield it or throw it to another person.

Patch (the Cabbage)- kind of how eek was but instead a talking cabbage! he will say diffrent things if you want to talk to him, also if you "Play with Patch" you player will throw him up in the air and then catch him on his way back down. every once in awhile he will rock back and forth in your players hand (kinda like how eek runs across your shoulders)

Cabbage Token- you obtain this from Brassica Prime (in some way) and when you rub it your player will be turned into a cabbage until you click the button in your invtory to undo it basicly like the Easter Ring except you keep in your invtory and click the 'Rub' option to use it. also just a add on maybe have the ability to commintcate with Brassica Prime (not like you can have him say much but you know just for fun)

Also just wanted to add a few more notes that if Jagex does something like they did last year with kicking the cabbage to Oo'glog making it so once you kick a cabbage no one else can interact with the cabbage with say 5mins every time you kick it refresh* this time.

I really think adding a actully Item to this would be worth giving a try one because last year I kicked the Cabbage to Oo'glog and was kinda mad I only got the cabbage (that became useless basicly after the event) and I wouldn't have been so mad if it wasn't for the fact like 7 players interupted my time trying to do it (wtich is why I suggested the idea above)
I say give it a try giving a item this year and see how it goes and think about doing it again for future April 1st events. btw: All Hail Brassica Prime!!1 xD lol LOVED that

(out off all these ideas I like the Cabbage Token the most one because I like Brassica Prime and being a cabbage would be cool also been awhile not many people have the easter ring anymore it seems and it would be nice to have another item that trasnforms you into something fun to joke about. also I like the Patch the Cabbage idea cause Eek was awsome and a talking Cabbage could be very comical xD haha!)


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