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Slime Knight Olympics: Sabercat Riding!

Welcome to the climactic final event of Slime Knights Olympics! The final event shall be ... Sabercat Riding!

Six athletes shall ride their own sabercats together in a gruelling obstacle course that will take their riding skills and mettle to the test!

For the first segment of our event, our event judges, Felix, Morrie, and Tom, shall be examining the athletes' sabercats for appearance scores!

Our first examination shall be Cringer, the sabercat of Red! The spots are typical of the sabercat, but the coat ... is susprisingly rough to the touch. And ... oh Goddess when was the last time this sabercat had its teeth cleaned?

"You can't be serious! I'm not sticking my hand in the mouth of a sabercat. Besides, Dodgy Dave sold me this sabercat, it's all that bloke's fault!"

"Red, why did you have to go and buy from bloody Dodgy Dave? Chateau Felix was going to give us better if we gave them some nice supplies!"

"Yangus! Important Exporter's resources are for jewel acquisition, not for some silly contest!"

"Silly contest! Red, where do you come off -- ah nevermind nevermind ..."

Yangus is storming off, grumbling under his breath. Did he just say "don't argue with the women?" Sage advice, Yangus. Sage advice, indeed!

Next up, is King Trode's sabercat, "Thrakhath"! And it seems that the judges have taken quite a shine to him!

"Yes, that's right, my good judges, gather around! Note the spot on his side that looks distinctly like a crown! He's truly a royal sabercat!"

Most impressive!

Now we have Jessica's sabercat, "Tigris!" What a beautiful sabercat. Sort of like the rider -- prrrr! Errr, ahem ^_^

"I only give my Tigris the very best sabercat pellets and clean water!"

And how about that folks! It shows, doesn't it?

"Molto bella! Thisa sabercat -- she hasa the fur coat -- thata feels like-a soft-a angora!

More words of wisdom from our judge Morrie Mozzarella!

Our next contestant is Angelo's sabercat, "Cyrano"!

And wait! Cyrano is already here! Apparently he came early to the appearance arena just to meet Tigris!

"Heh heh heh! Let's just say that I taught him everything he knows!"

Judges, what say you?

"The coat is fairly soft, he actually reminds me of Baumren in many ways. Nice teeth, and decent musculature!"

Thank you for your assessment, Felix! Now we move onto Yangus' sabercat "Pouncer"!

"Aye, I've been taking care of him as well as I could. Some geezers taught me how to brush 'is teeth and keep 'is coat all nice and shiny! I hope the bloody judges see the effort there!"

"Not as impressive, as say, Jessica's 'Tigris', but a nice looking sabercat, sure!"

Thank you, Tom! And finally, last but most certainly not least, our Hero, and his sabercat "Hobbes"!

And what's this? The hero is tickling Hobbes' belly, and now he's reaching for a toothbrush and brushing Hobbes' teeth! What a show of bravery coupled with compassion, folks!

"This ragazzo, he and I, we go a-way back! When he was an unknown, I taught-a him everything-a I know about-a the monster teams! He beat-a Ragnar, he beat-a Torneko, he even beat-a Morrie! Me! His-a sabercat is what-a we call-a in-a the business-a 'Prima classe'! Longa sharpa fangsa, softa coata, and grande muscles!"

OK! This concludes our appearance segment, with the Hero and Jessica tied for first, Trode second, and Angelo in third!

Now we move onto the most exciting part of our show -- the obstacle course!

Everyone get to your places! On your mark!

Get set!


And they're off! But wait! Angelo's sabercat Cyrano is still at the starting gate! He just plopped down and buried his face in the dirt! What is going on here?

"I think Cyrano is in love with Tigris, but she completely broke his heart just a minute ago. Come on Cyrano! Chin up! There are plenty of eligible lady sabercats out there in the jungle! You can't give up now!"

Cyrano is getting up! And walking slowly, sadly toward Angelo's tent. What an unexpected turn of events, folks! But let's see how the others are doing!

The Hero's Hobbes is swiftly darting up the hill, with Jessica's Tigris closely behind, followed by King Trode's Thrakhath, and Red's Cringer taking the rear! Yangus' Pouncer is all the way behind. Huffing and puffing the whole way up hill!

"COR BLIMEY, Pouncer! Please get up the bloody hill! I need to win me a medal, or Red'll never let me hear the end of it! Come on! I'm not that heavy, am I?"

Goddess! Pouncer just collapsed, and is rolling down the hill with Yangus tumbling after! But don't worry, it seems that both sabercat and rider are not hurt!

Hobbes and Tigris are neck and neck, blazing down the hill at high speeds, with Thrakhath and Cringer constantly gaining the upper hand of one another. Next is the platform jump.

Hobbes negotiates the moving magical platforms effortlessly, and Tigris quickly learns the pattern. Thrakhath and Cringer also manage to escape with no problem!

Next is the scary part -- goodness gracious, great rings of fire!

Hobbes stops for one second, and makes a high jump! Folks, he is through the rings of fire!

Tigris makes her jump without missing a beat, and is also through, closely following Hobbes!

Thrakhath fearlessly jumps through the rings of fire, vying for supremacy in this race!

Next is Cringer. He rushes toward the rings of fire ... stops ... and ... he's stopped! Cringer is not moving an inch!

"Come on! Jump through the hoops! Everyone else did it, just fine! What's *your* problem! Oh cripes, I'm never buying *anything* from Dodgy Dave again!"

It seems that Cringer and Red are out of the race! We are down to three sabercats and riders!

Our next segment is the barrel rollers! This next part of the course is lined with hot stone. The only way the sabercats can get across is by treddling upon big barrels!

Hobbes, Thrakhath, and Tigris all leap onto their barrels, and are backpeddling madly to get through this part in record time! They're all impeccably balanced -- and they're all through!

Our final course is the Swamp Tredge! This is a slow, arduous, *messy* part of the race!

Hobbes dives into the swamp, and is paddling fast! Tigris jumps -- she's off to a slow start, but close behind! Now what of Thrakhath?

"Come on, Thrakhath! Jump into the swamp and win a gold medal for your King! You're royalty amongst the sabercats, are you not? Do you not want prestige and status, as well? Just jump into the swamp! I promise you I'll have my servants give you a nice warm bath back at Trodain castle! Your coat will be more beautiful than ever! PLEASE! THis is my last chance for a gold medal, Thrakhath!"

Thrakhath is just sniffing at the swamp and shaking his head in disgust. And is King Trode ... crying?! Surely I must be seeing things!

"Yes, you are, my nosey announcer friend! Go talk about the two sabercats in the lead and leave me alone!"

Sorry, your majesty! Anyway, the finish line is in sight ... and Hobbes is just paddling like mad! Tigris can't keep up! And our winner is -- HOBBES! How about that, folks? What a great day for Sabercat Riding!

Our gold medal goes to the Hero and Hobbes, our silver medal goes to Jessica and Tigris, and the bronze goes to King Trode and Thrakhath!

This concludes Slime Knight Olympics! See you in a few years!