Best Opening: Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2's kickass opening train derailing, skag splattering, midgit head butting, enemy slaughtering sequence was awesome. Oh and the song that played was also awesome. 343 also did a great job with Halo 4's opening CGI Cutscene. It was very well made but it actually wasn't representative of the game like Borderlands 2's opening.
Runner Up: Halo 4
Best Ending: The Walking Dead
In a year full of horrible and dissapointing endings, Telltale brings us a masterpiece that has made the entirity of System Wars cry. Enough said. Journey's ending was also very meaningful but it just couldn't match the emotional impact of The Walking Dead's.
Runner Up: Journey
Best New Hero: Lee Everrett (The Walking Dead)
Lee is the epitome of a tragic hero. The entire world has gone to Hell and he is given the task of protecting the very life of a little girl, Clementine. Lee has a pretty interesting history that I don't want to spoil and he is one of the reasons The Walking Dead has one of the best stories in the industry. I can't even think of another new hero from last year that comes close to him.
Biggest Suprise: The Walking Dead
Let's analyse this. It's a point and click adventure game based on a Comic/TV Franchise about zombies. It sets itself up for failure yet it turns out to be one of the best games this year. Journey was also a nice suprise