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Pure Xbox 360

Pure is a awesome quadbike racer published by disney for the Xbox360 that came out in 2008 now i just picked this game up from my local game shop and i am really enjoying the game so far its one of the most in depth quad racers out there from creating a quad bike of your own to chossing a charecter and helmet. The gameplay is good apart from the right stick mechanic if you use the right stick it roatats the camera around your quad and when your going a break neck speed this is crazy i myself do not use the right stick in this game at all also FREERIDE is a fantastic multiplayer idea here is how it works there are no laps but there is a timelimit and on the right side of the screen this a list with things such as Highest Jump Biggest Combo and when you get one of these your gamertag will apear under it now things can change in a second once we had around 10 seconds left and it was just before a big jump and my oppenent crashed and after i went of the jump i was able to pull enough tricks to get me biggest jump and higest combo but he still had the fastest lap in short defintly check this game out i picked it up for only $3 and the amount i enjoyed it i would be happy to pay $30 im giving it a 8/10 (it lost two points for the right stick mechanic) so this is my first review please tell me what you guys think :)