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BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma's roster grows to 23.

That's 4 new characters for BBCP, and there is rumors of 2 more for consoles. It seems Arc have learned from there mistakes with BBCS. Which was basically them rushing out a half assed sequel in a year, rehashing most the stages from CT with tweaks, and so only adding 2 character to the arcade version, then half assing in a unlockable console character that was modified sprite of a existing character (even though the final result was still a solid character) which served as the story modes final boss and also couldn't be used in most offline modes after you unlocked her, and then 3 overpriced DLC character which wasn't even usable in most the offline modes, and finally releasing the proper version we should have got the first time where the characters were actually properly integrated into the game, with a additional character and stage, earlier this year. Yeah all that didn't work out so well. Hopefully with CP they make unlockables more like Extend, and not like regular CS in which they deliberatly made unlockables so frustrating to get to try and force people to by unlock codes.

Anyway the character is Izayoi, and following Shin Noel from BBCS is Shin Tsubaki since it's her with her weapon fully awakened. Which basically means Tsubaki learned Bankai so she can counter Noel's Bankai (Mu-12), since Noel is coming to f*** her up, and Tsubaki has to somewhat keep up with Noel in all her inferiority complex lameness. I mean Noel entered Bankai in BBCS and became the true final boss, and now in the sequel Tsubaki has to rip Noel off and do the same because of her Noel jealousy (jokes on you Tsubaki, rumors are one of the console characters will be the true final boss), I don't think Noel is the problem in your life Tsubaki. Most likely Izayoi will be the arcade mode final boss too. Anyway while the character is Tsubaki, that's pretty much all they have in common. The sprite is brand new, and the moveset is completely unique. Not like Mu which was a headswap Nu with a redrawn body and additions, with them sharing some normals and drive animations (though it seems they're tweaking Nu and Mu to further seperate them in BBCP). Anyway design and moveset is a huge improvement over normal Tsubaki's Order Sol rip-off gameplay and terrible outfit.

She's a multistance character. Stance 1 is supposedly a zoner in which she gains powerups above the heat guage, and her second stance is a rushdown stance in which she uses said powerups to do her special moves in this stance.

