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E3 Day 2 The Wii U Wars

Well I'm begin my blog with, THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIII CONFIRMED FOR PS3 and 360 MOTHER*******! After thejoke that was KOFXII we finally get a real KOF game with a actually good roster, and it's being published (and hopefully localised) by Atlus! If this means a KOF game with good English voice acting, well that's just, that's just....nice. Yeah this is my favorite announcement of E3 bar none. SNK and Atlus are promising a lot of modes unlike KOFXII, and good online, unlike KOFXII. Plus with the game being out in arcades for a year already, hopefully we'll be getting even more characters and stages too boot. *kicks Street Fighter in the face* KOF for life *****es! Fighting game of the year? I'm expecting it. ;)

Anyway, Nintendo's conference was eh. No demos, no Wii games, just 3DS game announcements for franchises we knew would be out for 3DS eventually, nice to see them in action in a trailer but still, but I guess Luigi Mansion 2 for 3DS was a suprise. Wii U was all about the controller being a glorified DS, and honestly it's nice having the touch screen that can be used as a TV if you wish, but the controller itself has awkward placement for the analog sticks, and the analog sticks themself look weird, right stick really needed to be below face buttons with everything lowered to make it more comfortable to use the shoulder buttons. Maybe will be more comfortable than it looks, but still really hate not having right stick below buttons. No Nintendo games shown for it, just trailers for multiplatform games that are also on PS3 and 360 avaliable for it.

There was Tekken and Tekken 3D for Wii U and 3DS. Tekken 3D I'm hoping will be like Dead or Alive Dimensions in that it's story combination of all games, would be pretty neat and would explain the more retro look of Kazuya and Heihachi, seeing how Lili, Asuka, and Bryan were the other 3 character confirmed it's obviously not set in the old timeline so that would make sense and would make for a neat handheld Tekken experience (Tekken DR = best handheld 3D fighter so this idea is only way to really top it). Tekken Wii U, people are excited thinking it will be a fresh exclusive Wii U Tekken game, however the stages shown are Tekken Tag 2's and the character models also look like Tekken Tag 2's so it's obviously either a port of Tekken Tag 2 and they just don't want to reveal it as Tekken Tag 2 since the game isn't even out in arcades and Japan is really respectful of arcade operators and letting the games do well in arcades before revealing and showing off console version. If not that then the game will be based on Tekken Tag 2, maybe a hybrid using Tekken Tag 2's graphics but Tekken 6's 1 versus 1 gameplay, and I got to say just a Tekken Tag 2 port, even if for the other 2 consoles, would be better than that since there is a far greater change of better balancing and stuff with a Tag 2 port instead of a rushed console only Tekken game based on Tag 2.

Also you notice how Lili was 1 of the 5 characters revealed for Tekken 3D, and was shown in Tekken Wii U trailer? It's obvious she is most popular female Tekken character and Namco love her. Yet she's still not revealed for Street Fighter X Tekken. Capcom truly are the biggest idiots when it comes to rosters I have ever seen, especially with that little moron Ono talking about how Tekken side will all be popular characters. Hey Ono you can't say you're doing something for fans with the characters they want based on popularity when the first revealed characters aren't the most popular and you announce stupid guest characters. Maybe Namco will force them to put Lili in since they obviously have plans for Lili, if not then Haruda beats Ono to death. If Haruda beat Ono to death I would buy every version of every Tekken game, rate all of them perfect 10's, and worship Haruda with inappropriate touching.

Anyway to talk about games I saw today that I remember.

Ninja Gaiden 3: *sigh* Did you guys see the live demo on G4? It looks sooo average. I mean honestly quick time events in Ninja Gaiden, quick time events? You ****ing kidding me? Now instead of the cool OT's of Ninja Gaiden 2 that flowed well with the fast combat, now a button promp comes up on screen as I'm slashing up a enemy and if I hit it I automatically kill them? Really? I remember Hayashi calling Ninja Gaiden 2 outdated, and also tried saying that about Bayonetta before quickly changing his tone in following interviews. No Hayashi quick time events don't make your game up to date, it just makes you a untalented hack that's a complete ****ing moron that should do the world a favor and stick a sword through your chest. I remember Itagaki bashing quick time events, it's almost as if Hayashi is just wanting to do the exact opposite of what Itagaki wants to do. Hayashi doing the exact opposite of people smarter than you isn't cool nor makes your game cool or good, doing the opposite of smart logical things just makes you a retarded fool. Also this game is really reminding me of Ninja Blade, that's not good, that game was ****. Kind of funny Ninja Blade was kind of a quick time event focused wannabe Ninja Gaiden, and now Ninja Gaiden 3 is kind of a Ninja Blade wannabe. Funny how the world works.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Is that a banana in my pants? Oh no it's just this game giving me a massive erection. Hey Skyrim did you fall from heaven? Because I have a erection! This game gets a full Noel. I mean just fill my nipples. Hard huh? Yeah that's Skyrim ownage!

The Darkness II: I saw this game demoed and my gut told me "maybe." I don't like the more simple shooter approach compared to the first one, but I do like what actually seems to be pretty decent shooter controls. I also don't like that it's Nolan North that seems to be voicing Jackie now. Hey Nolan, you're not as good of a voice actors as you think, let better voice actorsgets work instead. Hey developers, stop hiring Nolan North to voice every single character ever thanks.

BlazBlue COntinuum Shift II Plus for PSVita: It's basically a arcade perfect port of Continuum Shift 2, but with all the content of the PSP/3DS version along with every more stories in story mode. Hey Arc how about actually putting CSII on a platform that matters for fighting games, you know consoles? Thanks! Yeah it's nice you added the BBCSII balancing to BBCS as a free patch, but the crap load of new content (including redone game modes, enhanced game modes, and even brand new game modes, along with Mu and the DLC characters now being properly intergrated into the game instead of limited to mostly versus only)would serve much better on consoles and it would entice new buyers on consoles too, you know which would get you more money and new fans. Also releasing a new console disk version with all this new content would give you a excuse to bring to PC (CT was released on PC in some places) like Capcom with SSFIV AE, even more money. Be smart Arc, because you're being really dumb. I mean if you're going to milk like you're doing, do it right.

Dead Island: Was expecting a better Left 4 Dead meets a better Dead Rising, instead got a Borderlands meets Dead Rising open world RPG looking zombie game with co-op. At least I was right on it looking better than Left 4 Dead and Dead Rising. :P Now if the final product can live up to expectations, it will be nice.

Battlefield 3: I saw some explosions, it looked like that one game I don't like, things happened, things went dark for awhile, I came to with drool on my mouth, turns out I fell asleep watching, something better was on then, and everything was better.

Mass Effect 3: Hey look it's now just like Gears of War, but with powers and lots of talking! OOOOOO INNOVATZORZ! BioWare died with Dragon Age Origins, now they're just there to make us laugh at how pathetic they've become, just like Team Ninja and Capcom. I wander if they'll start re-releasing there old games that were actually good to show people how good they once were in hopes of tricking people into buying there ****y games with nostalgia memories, only for said people to discover the game they just spent 60$ on sucks ass and isn't half as good as the way way way better rehashed clas-sic game, you know like what Capcom does?

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary: It's 40$, eh I'll buy it.

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword: I usually love Zelda, but everytime I see this game it's just doesn't get me excited nor really wanting it. G4 demo was showing off exploring and it was flying around in the sky, said it was like Wind Waker in the sense you just find mountains to go to explore opposed to islands in Wind Waker. It looks just like Twilight Princess designs with Wind Wakercell shading and apparently exploring. I just can't get myself excited for it. I dunno everytime I see it just looks boring to me with nothing that reallymakes me want to play it. Guess I'm just grown tired of the series.

Medevil Move: Yeah if this game is ever near me I want it moved away from me as soon as possible.

Okay getting a bit tired so I'm going to stop for nows.