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New games, new anime, new thong, wait what?

Just kidding about the thong part....OR AM I? :shock:

So went to Best-Buy only planning to buy a few things, cheap things, then next thing you know I bought 200$ worth of stuff. They just recently added a Best-Buy in my area, and well they have a lot of crap, and it's awesome.

Anyway for games.

First up was Prince of Persia HD Trilogy for PS3. I love those 3 games, but I got them for XBOX and I really don't like pulling that thing out when I want to play certain games like them, plus the controller didn't bother me back when but now it does after getting used to 360, so just wanted for convenience.

Then to my suprise they had Mirror's Edge. Been looking everywhere for that game. I didn't want it when it was new since I didn't want to pay 60$ for it and then after it was lowered to 30$ could never find it. I wanted it on PS3 since I heard the PS3 controller worked a bit better for it, plus the graphics were supposadly slightly better on PS3 according to some people. However they only had it on 360, 4 copies left, so I said screw it and got it. Also had a single copy of that Metro game left for 15$ so I picked it up and was going to get it, then decided last minute against it. Game never looked appealing to me, even though I heard good things, so was only getting it since it was cheap so just decided against it.

Last was Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition. Why did I get this when DLC is cheaper and AE is worst balanced you're wandering? Well they had a copy with the wrong priced labeled on it for only 10$! As you may know best buy puts games on bargin and then adds the little sticker on top for$9.99 or $19.99So I just decided to see if I could get away with it since it was there mess up. So when I was checking out tried to say was 40$ so I acted dumb and was all "but it says $9.99 savings on it!" So got mananger and in the end he said "well you have to sell it to him at labeled price..." So yeah, totally got it for 10$ plus the less than 2$ tax, yohohohohohohoho! So not only did I get it less than DLC price for the disk version, but now I can sell my regular SSFIV (Disk version is still just regular SSFIV but with all the patches and AE added in, still works exactly like it does if you get DLC so can still go back to SSFIV if you wish, even still uses regular SSFIV save file instead of updating it unlike RE5 Gold Edition, just in case you were wandering if there were any difference in disk version, there's not. Well press start menu is updated, that's the 1 and only disk addition, lame!). So yeah I got the convenient disk version, for less than the less convenient harddrive hog DLC verison, while still being able to sell my regular SSFIV so the price is even further reduced, if I play my cards right could in the end pay 0$ for SSFIV AE, YOHOHOHOHO! I know there is a SF fanboy somewhere all "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" and just so you know SF fanboy man, your tears substain me, YESH YEESSSSHHHHH! :P

As for the anime.

I finally got the 2 new Evangelion movies, Evangelion 1.11 You Are (Not) Alone and Evangelion 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance. Been waiting for 2 to release before I even got 1 along with it since, well, I need 1 to follow the new story changes but I don't like Shinji but love Asuka so I have been more excited for 2 and wanted it most, so yeah! :P So after watch these then have to wait for 3rd movie, and then wait for Funimation's slow asses to ever dub and release it (hey Funimation, would you kindly finish Hellsing Ultimate for goodness sake? First 4 are already done so you could jsut re-release thoughs under your label and then just have to do the remaining 5, shouldn't have bought publishing rights if you're just going to stare at the Hellsing label and drool dammit!).

Then other was a anime called Shigurui Death Frenzy. Saw some stuff online about it once and it looked cool, and Best Buy had complete series so impulse buy. I mean it's about samurai's, has Death Frenzy in the title, and localized by Funimation. I mean it has to be a fun and awesomeseries, right, RIGHT? Eh I'm sure it will be, can't be any worse than Afro Samurai at least.

Also on a random note, I'm like totally obsessed with Tekken now. Tis odd, never been a series I was into but now total love. I'm 100% sure 99.99% of the reason is Lili, who has quickly rose through the ranks of my favorite game characters and has became my 3rd all time favorite video game character. She's so fun to play and is totally awesome. So yeah it's more being obsessed with Lili has made me obsessed with Tekken, and now everything is weird and I play Tekken a lot, and I totally own at Tekken. So to summarize TheDusk's logic, a girl with god tier legs = awesome game! Would explain why I do hate every Tekken game still that's not named Dark Resurrection or 6. :D I'm pretty sure my logic is undisputable and if you try the world will be destroyed. ALL GLORY TO THE LILI AND HER LEGS!

Reminds me can't wait for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 now, so excited! *kicks Tekken Hybrid in the boxart face* Get yo sorry ass Lililess Tekken movie and Lililess Tekken game out of here! Also excited for Street Fighter X Tekken now that's she more or less confirmed through the hint in E3 trailer. Plus she's almost certain to be in Tekken X Street Fighter too, so excited for that as well. Okay basically what I'm is I will buy anything with Lili in it and then call it amazing. MY LILI LOGIC, JUST LIKE MY NOEL AND MAI LOGIC, IS TOTALLY UNDISPUTABLE! After all, glory to the Lili and hers legs and junk.

Just remember.....

...Ceiling Lili is watching you masturbate.