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So Lili from Tekken is going to be in a Digimon game for PSP. Heh!

Yep, my perfect little princess is going to be in a Digimon game, along with her butler Sebastian. No word if she's playable or what her role is, but still that's funny to me. :lol:


If she's playable I would actually import just for my Lili collection! Namco keep putting her in more and more stuff, be it cameo or playable, even her clothes is DLC for character creation in SCV. I think Namco should just go ahead and make her playable in every game they ever make ever and officially make her Queen of Namco, but that's just me.

Also just recently got 3 new games. The Darkness 2, Devil May Cry HD Collection, and Tales of Graces F.

The Darkness 2 was better than I was expecting after a lot of mixed reaction. I personally like the art direction went with a comic look, even if it does contridict the original games more realistic look, although I do wish the actual graphics were better. My only major complaints is the campaign is too damn short, and the mostly basic linear level design. Gameplay I found great though. If The Darkness 3 would have The Darkness 2's gameplay but with The Darkness 1's structure, that would be one beastly awesome game. I found Vendetta co-op pretty fun too, way better than Darkness 1's crappy multiplayer, was happy you could play it solo too, figured it would be limited to co-op only. Anyway it's split into 2 parts, campaign and hit list. Campaign is only 8 levels that tie in with the main story (though Vendetta is clearly uncanon), and hit list is where you select random single missions to just kill stuff, although a few of these is co-op only, but you can replay the 8 campaign missions here too. You play 1 of 4 interesting characters, each built around a single Darkness power takin from Jackie tied to a Darkness empowered weapon. Overall pretty fun game, and a decent story (not as good as the first one), but would only recommend for 30$ or less because of the campaigns short length (even if it was made to replay multiple times because of all The Darkness upgrades). I got lucky and got it on sales for 40$ though, yay!

DMC HD Collection is a bit of a lazy/simple port. Prerendered cutscenes are a bit blurry, DMC1 suffers the most in prerendered cutscene quality, especially since they were left in the oirginal ratio for DMC1 instead of stretched for widescreen which makes for inconsistencies unlike DMC2 and 3, DMC2's cutscenes are fine outside of CG, DMC3's all seem fine so far (first one seemed a bit dark and a little blurry, but rest have been fine so far), and the menus were left in the original ratio for all games instead of being stretched and cleaned up for widescreen (that's just lazy). Graphics are unchanged outside of improved AA and the games being much sharper and brighter. Besides that none of the games seem worse than the original PS2 versions, and being able to play DMC1 with a control scheme that doesn't suck ass is GREAT, so if you have never played them before the HD Collection is still the way to go even with the lazy menus and cutscenes, hell I recommend it just for DMC1's new control layout. :P Also you get a art gallery as a bonus, which is kind of neat, mainly for DMC1's art since you see a lot of concept art for designs that didn't make it in which were from when the game was originally going to be RE4, like zombies, (zomnbie cat was most memoriable), Tyrant, and Spencer.

As for Tales of Graces F, not got around to playing it any yet. Need time to dedicate to it when I get going. Damn you long ass RPG's!