I suppose I should get to posting blogs and such, considering the site is pestering me with "POST BLOGS! POST BLOGS!" every time I sign in. So, I suppose I caved in and decided I might as well post stuff from time to time. Not much to talk about in this edition though, I suppose. I finish Final Fantasy IV DS, if that's any sort of interesting news. Zeromus went down in 4 turns, it was kind of anticlimatic, but it was still good fun.
Speaking of Final Fantasy, I managed to track down a copy of FF IX on Amazon for only 15 dollars. Not too bad, and I'm needing a new thing to pass the time during the slow summer days anyway. After all, One Piece isn't really helping since all the fansub groups are going ridiculously slow as of late, which I find rather annoying. I suppose I can't fault them for it, though.
Lastly, a lot of my buds have gone to Otakon leaving Scion, Tylinos, and I pretty much all alone to our devices. In short: Pretty slow days lately. I've never actually been to Otakon, hell, I haven't even been to Anime Boston, which is RIGHT IN MY TOWN. I really should develop some sort of reserve of getting to these things.
...Why have I been listening to Dancing Mad for the past 2 hours?